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AddSeries linker error

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:06 pm
by 16458336
I'm converting an old project from BCB6 to C++ Builder RAD XE. Everywhere in my project where I add a series at runtime to a chart, I get a linker error. The code looks like this:

TLineSeries *ser;
ser = (TLineSeries *) Chartfx1->AddSeries(__classid(TLineSeries));

And produces the error
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external '__fastcall Teengine::TCustomAxisPanel::AddSeries(const System::TMetaClass * const)' referenced from TRENDPLOT.OBJ

What am I doing wrong?

Re: AddSeries linker error

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:19 pm
by yeray
Hi Banjovi,

I don't think it's a TeeChart related issue.
I've installed TeeChart v2010.02 in BCB6 and RAD XE and the code you've posted works fine for me with BCB6 but with RAD XE gives the error you mentioned:

Code: Select all

  TLineSeries *ser;
  ser = (TLineSeries *) Chart1->AddSeries(__classid(TLineSeries));
So it seems to be more something related to the IDE than related to the TeeChart version.

Also, the following code works fine both in BCB6 and RAD XE.

Code: Select all

  TLineSeries *ser = new TLineSeries(Chart1);