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Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:04 pm
by 16556683

I'm having problem installing from source code. It's driving me nuts - I hope you can help.

I have just got a new machine with Windows 7 64 bit and I upgraded from Delphi 2010 to Delphi XE. I needed to install TeeChart from source since I require a small change to the source code for my application to work (colored lines problem).

So I downloaded and installed the latest source, made the change and used the TeeRecompile utility (in Admin mode) to create the components. I then had to remove the old components (it would be nice if TeeRecompile did this). I kept getting the "xxx was compiled with a different version of xxxx" and had to manually delete the old DCUs (no unexpected problems so far). I eventually got my application to compile and run.

Then things got strange. I closed the Delphi IDE. I re-opened the IDE and the application. When I tried to open a form I got a message to say "Class TLineSeries not found". I checked the paths and they are all correct (and include series.dcu). I exited out and TeeRecompiled again, opened the IDE and the application without a problem. However, once I quit the IDE and try to re-open the same error message is triggered. Basically the re-compile is good for one opening of the IDE.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:12 pm
by narcis
Hi Steve,
So I downloaded and installed the latest source, made the change and used the TeeRecompile utility (in Admin mode) to create the components. I then had to remove the old components (it would be nice if TeeRecompile did this). I kept getting the "xxx was compiled with a different version of xxxx" and had to manually delete the old DCUs (no unexpected problems so far). I eventually got my application to compile and run.
TeeRecompile tries to do this but sometimes it fails to perform this task.
Then things got strange. I closed the Delphi IDE. I re-opened the IDE and the application. When I tried to open a form I got a message to say "Class TLineSeries not found". I checked the paths and they are all correct (and include series.dcu). I exited out and TeeRecompiled again, opened the IDE and the application without a problem. However, once I quit the IDE and try to re-open the same error message is triggered. Basically the re-compile is good for one opening of the IDE.
You should check the following:

At Tools -> Options -> Environment Options -> Library path contains source code path and/or compiled "lib" folder.
At Project -> Options -> Packages that v2010 packages are enabled.
At Project -> Options -> Directories and Conditionals -> Include path has no path different than those mentioned above.
At Project -> Options -> Delphi Compiler -> Search path has no path different than those mentioned above.
Enable the left-bottom "Default" checkbox.

If the problem persists don't hesitate to let us know.

Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:26 pm
by 16556683
Hi Narcis,

Thanks for the note. The only change I made was to add the source code to the path (the lib was already added). This has not changed the behavior. I still only get one use of the IDE before I get the TLineSeries class not found.

I appreciate help,



Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:31 am
by narcis
Hi Steve,

Does this occur will all projects: old and new?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:21 am
by 16556683
Hi Narcis,

It would seem the behavior is different between new and old project. The behavior I have described is for old project (i.e. ones where I open them from the IDE). For new applications I can add a TChart and TLineSeries and it compiles with no problem. In addition, it would seem that after I've created a new project with a TChart, compiled and run it, I can then *ALWAYS* open an old application without a problem. It would seem the new project temporarily corrects the IDE so that it recognizes TChart etc. However, if I quite the IDE and restart the IDE the same problem crops up ("TLineSeries not found").

I hope you can help!



Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:44 am
by yeray
Hi Steve,

This clearly indicates that the old project has references to an old TeeChart installation. You have to correct or remove these references. To do this, edit the project files with notepad or similar and check the references on it manually.

Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:43 pm
by 16556683
Hi Yeray,

I really don't think there is any reference to an old version in the code - here's why. When I create a new project, and put a TChart with a TLineSeries on it, it runs fine every time. However, if I save the new project, close the IDE and open it again it says "TLineSeries" not recognized.

If it would help I can create a video of the problem.



Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:02 pm
by yeray
Hi Steve,

We've seen similar cases (take a look at here)but normally in C++Builder.

Anyway, you could try adding a manual check in the process you've just explained. I mean:
- Open the IDE and create a new project.
- Add a Chart with a TLineSeries (as you said, this compiles and run fine)
- Save the project and close the IDE.
- Edit the project files (dpr, dproj or bpr, bproj,...) with notepad or similar and check if there is any wrong reference.
- Reopen the IDE and the project and see if it works fine.

Another thing I'm not sure if we've told to you is the recommendation to put the TeeChart paths in the top of the library and search paths lists to avoid conflicts.

Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:32 pm
by 16556683
I'm so frustrated by this problem I've created a video showing the exact steps and problems along the way.

You can see it here:

All help (greatly) appreciated,


Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:03 pm
by yeray
Hi Steve,

We've seen you've asked it to Embarcadero too. Have you tried the suggestions there?
I still think it could be something related to the paths. Have you tried manually editing the project files (*.dproj, *.dpr,...) with notepad or similar and check for possible wrong references?

Re: Problems installing from Source... (**FIXED**)

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:04 pm
by 16556683
I set aside today to figure this out. I tried everything. I even did a complete re-install. Eventually I managed to fix it. It would seem that some DevExpress components are not compatible with the current version. Or at least cause the problem I had. I have the DevExpress subscription service. Once I uninstalled all of component I don't use the problem disappeared. Having done a search on DevExpress on this forum it would seem DevExpresses TChart printing components may be to blame. Anyway it is fixed.

Having installed, re-installed, modified and every other contortion of getting the stuff on my machine I'd also suggest the TChart Installer needs to be smarter. Every time I installed I needed to go through the lib directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\lib\win32\release

to remove the old DCUs. I assume this is because they are placed in the "Program Files" folder and cannot be removed by the installer. Nevertheless it was mildly irritating.

Best regards,


Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:53 am
by yeray
Hi Steve,

Yes, we know in some cases the TeeChart (un)installer doesn't clean the library paths as it should. We'll try to improve it for future versions.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear you've found the problem!

Class TLineseries not found

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:35 am
by 9342063
I am having the same problem and have tried everything suggested above, without success. Using Delphi XE and built in version of TeeChart.

I'll describe the problems below, but first the bottom line and the work around, in case it helps:

Bottom line:

the IDE only works successfully with TChart and TLineSeries once a TChart component has been selected from the component palette and placed on a form. This form need not be saved or belong to the current project.

Work around:

Each time the IDE is opened go:
- new application
- add a tchart to the main form,
- close project and dont save
- then continue with any other projects using TChart

The problem:

start IDE
creat new project
add tchart to the main form
close IDE

start IDE
open the above project -> SUCCESS
open main form -> SUCCESS
double click chart to edit -> ERROR creates an onclick event ??
add another tchart component and immediately delete it
double click first chart to edit - opens chart editor -> SUCCESS
add a line series
close all files
close IDE

start IDE
open project
open main form -> ERROR (Class TLineseries not found)
close IDE

start IDE
create new form, add chart component, close form, dont save
open main form -> SUCCESS

Please help ??
Andre Greyling.

Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:20 am
by narcis
Hi Andre,

This is really strange. I don't remember hearing about this before but this still make me think about a faulty installation or projects with old versions paths hard coded. I recommend you to close all projects, remove all TeeChart packages references from Delphi at Project -> Options -> Packages and remove all TeeChart related paths from locations described earlier in this post. Close Delphi, run TeeRecompile tool shipped with the source code installer, run Delphi, check that new version packages are enabled and that new paths are on top of mentioned path lists.

It this doesn't help please let us know about any error message you may get.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Problems installing from Source...

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:06 am
by 16558702
I can confirm that this behaviour is the same in RAD Studio 2010 using C++.
The workaround also works, great.

I wonder if the problem is with TeeChart or with the IDE ?
If I remove TeeChart everything works fine so TeeChart is doing something or ?

Best Regards
P-O Björnsson