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Runtime RoundRectangle Problem

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:35 pm
by 16456092
When I run the following Delphi code :

procedure TGraphForm.Display(Sender: TObject);
var Series : TChartShape;
Series := Chart.AddSeries(TChartShape) as TChartShape;
Series.Style := chasRectangle; Series.RoundRectangle := true;
Series.Text.Add('Test 1');
Series.Alignment := taLeftJustify; Series.VertAlign := vaTop;
Series.X0 := 100; Series.X1 := 200; Series.Y0 := 150; Series.Y1 := 250; Series.Title := 'Test 1';

The rectangles show up fine, but the corners are always square.

Taking out the "Series.RoundRectangle := true;" causes the legend item to show up with rounded corners, but not the shape itself

The rounded corners work fine when set at design-time, but I have a variable number of rectangles, so I have to be able to define on-the-fly.

Any suggestions appreciated


Re: Runtime RoundRectangle Problem

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:17 pm
by yeray

Yes, I've seen that the RoundRectangle from TChartShape series doesn't seem to work in 3D. I've added it to the defect list to be fixed in future releases (TV52014984).