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Running out of RAM...

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:23 am
by 8442847

I'm running TChart version 6 under BCPP version 5.0 Enterprise. The application simply uses a TCP/IP socket to receive live tick data from the stock exchanges, writes them to a memtable, and charts them via the DBChart Class.

I display bars of tick data, about 5 moving average lines (Fast Lines) and about 4 other Fast Lines for some technical indicators that we use. Typically about 5 days worth plus whatever is happening real time is loaded in the chart.

The program looks and performs great with the exception that it continues to consume RAM until finally we run out of physical memory and it starts utilizing virtual memory, which of course grinds everything to a halt. I've got a couple of computers running 2 charting applications each (different, but the same tick bars and number of technical indicators as descibed above). One machine has 1/2 Gig of RAM and the other has 1 Gig. The 1/2 Gig machine typically depletes the physical RAM within 3 hours of the market opening. If I shut the two programs down and bring them back up, I go from having less than 10 meg of ram to having over 370 meg of RAM, with the exact same amount of data contained in the charts. I'm then good for another 2 - 3 hours.

I've got a server receiving tick data on over 500 securities and indicators from the exchanges that is also using memtables and TCP/IP that services the charting applications, and it never depletes physical RAM like this (1/2 Gig there as well, always over 250 Meg available...). This leads me to believe that TChart is consuming the memory.

Any ideas on why this is happening and how I might go about preventing it?

Thanks a bunch

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:36 am
by Pep

as you're doing a realtime charting, have you tried deleting old points ?(see the article about realtime charting on TeeChart support pages) Clicking here