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Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:16 pm
by 10054271
I just installed TeeChart Pro 8 over an old installation of TeeChart Standard 7. After rebuilding my previously working application, I'm getting an exception when trying to add a value to a TFastLineSeries: "Series Delete: ValueIndex 0 out of bounds (0 to -1)". Stepping through with the debugger, it appears as if the vtable is not correct. The call to AddXY is being dispatched to Delete. I've completely deleted all old object files and rebuilt the application from scratch. I don't use precompiled header files. Here's the snippet of code that's giving me trouble:

Code: Select all

  void PopulateSeriesWithSpectrum(TChartSeries *Series,
                                  TProcessedSpectrum *Spectrum)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Spectrum->size(); ++i)

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:26 pm
by narcis
Hi skassan ,

Could you please attach a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here and let us know the exact TeeChart and IDE versions you are using?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:36 pm
by 10054271
The IDE is CodeGear™ C++Builder® 2007 R2 Version 11.0.2804.9245.
TeeChart is TeeChart Pro v8.06.60902 Win32, download just this morning.
My fear is that a brand new project created from scratch will work just fine.
I've got two rather large projects that would be tedious to rebuild all over again.
I'll give it a go, though, and we'll see what happens.

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:16 pm
by 10054271
As I feared, a brand new project did not exhibit the problem.
With a bit more digging, I discovered that my old projects were linking in tee.lib.
Once I removed this from the project file, everything's back to normal.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:57 pm
by 10054271
I'm still having some difficulty. Somehow, the old tee7100.bpl is trying to load when CodeGear first loads. When I open the form in my project with two charts, I'm getting this error message: "Cannot load package 'tee7100.' It contains unit 'TeeAbout,' which is also contained in package 'Tee811'. Ignore the error and continue? NOTE: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost." I select Ignore, close my project, and open it again. Then the error repeats again. (There are two charts in the project). After ignoring again, and closing the project, and re-opening it for the third time, everything is ok, until I close CodeGear. Next time I open CodeGear, I have to go through the same process over again. I've tried removing all generated files: project.res, and everything under the Debug directory. I don't see any references to tee7100.bpl in the project.cbproj file. I don't see the old tee7100.bpl listed in the installed packages, even after closing CodeGear and opening it without opening any projects. How do I get CodeGear to stop trying to load tee7100.bpl?

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:22 pm
by narcis
Hi skassan,

We found that some old C++ Builder versions save those packages in their project files. You could try manually editing it (*.bpr) with a text editor, search for this file name and remove the reference if it appears there. However, this most likely still indicates that your IDE or project are still referencing old TeeChart packages. You should check the locations I posted here.

Hope this helps!

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:32 pm
by 10054271
I did an exhaustive search of all local drives. The only references to tee7100.bpl that turned up are on the deploy.htm files that Borland uses to describe which packages may be deployed with executables.

Under Project->Options->Packages, I don't see any lines for the old packages, just TeeChart 8 Pro Components and TeeTree2 Components. Both point to the correct file. I moved the TeeChart directories to the top of the library path and include path, as directed. The problem still persists.

One thing I failed to mention that may be relevant is that I'm statically linking. But as I said before, I've completely removed all *.obj files and rebuilt the entire project from scratch.

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:39 pm
by 10054271
Eurika! I have found it. There were a couple of more packages hiding in the list that I didn't remove: Fast Report 4.0 Tee Components and FastScript 1.9 Tee Components. Once I unchecked both of these components, things are working much better.

Again, thank you for all of your help. It's really nice having good technical support.

Re: Install Pro 8 over Standard 7

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:37 am
by yeray
Hi skassan,

We are happy to hear that you've solved your problem. Maybe those packages were also at the 'Build with runtime packages' list. Note that we usually recommend to disable this option for most of our customers.