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Request for functionality / search for features

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:14 am
by 10546441
Hi all, I am currently searching for some capabilities from TChart, which I was missing until now.
It might be the newest version already supports some of them, so please be kind to me if I missed them :-)

If anyone knows about possibly existant features, please feel free to contact me.
I can fullfill some of my dreams when editing the source files (which I do not realy appreciate), namely TeCanvas, TeEngine, TeePoint3, and TeeTools

I am searching for the following features:

1. A way of viewing points in a complete 3D Chart which I can turn on any axis as far as I like, not only the standart 1x round x, and half round up.
I can enable this feature when manually changing the source files from TChart.

2. I need a TPoint3DSeries which display points (and if possible triangles and squares) in real 3D, wheter as spheres or like I do it manually as a simple Point like in 2D, but then from each point of view in the same sice and manner. Now Its impossible to see a point from the side as it goes to a plane.

3. When turning in 3d, I like to see points with higher Z Order in front of "deeper" points. Now all Points are painted in the standart series manner, like higher series are always painted on top of lower ones, as well as points with higher numbers are painted in front of lower numbered ones.
I like to see points like they realy would show up in 3d.

The last point MUST be achived without using the OpenGL Components, as the destination plattform does not support OpenGL by hardware and thus gives round 1 frames per 2seconds.
And second the NearestPoint Tool does not work in OpenGL Mode - and I rely on this tool !!

4. if possible I would like to have a kind of RING Point3D series, which connects 2 points by line. 1st to 2nd. 2nd to 3rd and so on. But closes this line in the end Last to 1st.
All Points "live" on a kind of circle and the lines should simulate this circle.

I would be very pleased if some of the request could be fullfilled in the near future or are allready.
Thanks for any answer !

Picture of situation right now

Re: Request for functionality / search for features

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:31 pm
by yeray
Hi Christian,

1. There is a limitation for the elevation to be between 270 and 360 through the editors because there are some series that aren't viewed fine from behind. But you can force the elevation of your chart to be from 0 to 360 by code:

Code: Select all

  Chart1.Aspect.Orthogonal := false;
  Chart1.Aspect.Elevation := 50;
2. Triangles and Rectangles are shown with depth for me here. Only the circles look plane. I'll add to the wish list a new pointer style "sphere".

Code: Select all

  Series1.Pointer.Depth := Series1.Pointer.Size;
  Series1.Pointer.Style := psTriangle;
3. I'm afraid that all this is only possible right now through OpenGL. Anyway, I'll add this to the wish list to be implemented in future releases.

4. I'll add this also to the wish list to be implemented in further releases.

Re: Request for functionality / search for features

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:38 pm
by 10546441
Thanks for the answer frist !

Too bad that theese points are so "far away" :-|
It makes it difficult for me to update to newer versions.

Maybe I could send you my changes in the code, so a few parts might be implemented earlier ?

Re: Request for functionality / search for features

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:42 pm
by yeray
Hi Christian,

Excuse me, note that I've edited my earlier post.

Re: Request for functionality / search for features

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:43 pm
by yeray
Hi Christian,

Of course we'll be glad to see the changes you've made to the sources and see if we can generalize them.

Re: Request for functionality / search for features

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:48 pm
by 10546441
The problem with "depth" is, viewd from the side it is only looking like a block, not like triangles or else.
The sphere is not that important for me, I would more like to have an option like "ShowWithAspect" within 3D mode.

So the easiest way for me would be showing points like a 2D point in any viewing angle.
I achived this with editing the code. But I would like to have such a part within the standart code, so I can update to newer versions easily.

I will try to isolate the different chages made by me and send them as soon as possible.
