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Calendar Graph VS Data Source

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:29 pm
by 8441271
I'm currently using TeeChart 5.02 with Report Builder 6.03 and Delphi 5.

When I add a "Calendar" chart on my report then I assign a dataset, Labels,
X, Y, etc. from the "Data Source" tab and I save it, when I come back to
change settings in this option, the data source is always reset to "Manual".

What's wrong ?

Thanks for any help!

G. Plante

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:58 am
by Marjan

Hmm... I don't think calendar series was designed for multiple records. It basically interactive calendar, not connected to any datasource. Why would you want to connect calendar to datasource ?

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 2:47 pm
by 8441271

Thanks fo your answer. I would like to have a calendar that print a number of hour in each day of the month on a report. So, I taught it was possible with this kind of graph.

Thanks again for any answers.

Best regards,

G. Plante