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Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:55 pm
by 16589134
Does TeeChart support and recognise GEOLJSON format files so as to produce MapSeries graphs? I know that it supports JSON but cannot find any reference to GEOLJSON. If it does, does it then provide access to other attribute fields in the GEOLJSON file?

If GEOLJSON is not supported, I would like to ask that it be considered for future inclusion as a way to import mapseries polygons, lines, etc.


Re: TeeChart FMX and GEOLJSON

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:16 pm
by yeray
Hello Bruce,

Just to confirm you meant GeoJSON.

Re: TeeChart FMX and GEOLJSON

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 3:22 am
by 16589134
Sorry for delay. Been away for a while.

Yes, I do mean GeolJson i.e the spatial aware version of JSON.

One reason I raise this is that TeeChart VCL anf FMX allow one to import shapefiles but only VCL has a way to read attribute data from associated Dbase file and then only if using BDE type links. It would be really nice to bring in all the spatial and attribute information with modern technology and GeolJson seem apprpriate. I have experimented with JSON formatted files exported from GIS software but none seem to work with TeeChart, nor does GeolJson. This could be just me not getting things right, hence part of my question.



Re: TeeChart FMX and GEOLJSON

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:46 am
by yeray
Hello Bruce,

I'm a bit confused because you keep adding an "L" character between "Geo" and "JSON", while the references I find are without that middle "L".
TDataImport class in FMX.Import unit includes an ImportJSON method I believe is unable to load data from that GeoJSON, but I'd like to be sure we are talking about the same format.
However, that unit includes some json manipulation classes and utilities we can probably use to load the data.

Re: TeeChart FMX and GEOLJSON

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:45 am
by 16589134
Sorry, you are correct. My mistake to add the L. I do mean GeoJSON

Re: TeeChart FMX and GEOLJSON

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:48 am
by yeray
Hello Bruce,

I've added it to the public tracker: #2726.