Series Marks are shown partially when on the edge
Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:40 am
Good day,
I have an issue with the marks not displaying text when they are on the edge of the chart. Please see the screenshot.
The code could be found further below at the bottom of this post. The form contains an instance of the unmodified TChart (Chart1).
There is a .NET thread where the following solution has been offered:
Unfortunately this solution needs to be applied on the case by case basis. When the text of the mark is unknown upfront, this will not work.
I have an issue with the marks not displaying text when they are on the edge of the chart. Please see the screenshot.
The code could be found further below at the bottom of this post. The form contains an instance of the unmodified TChart (Chart1).
There is a .NET thread where the following solution has been offered:
Code: Select all
FLineChart.Marks.Clip := False;
Chart1.MarginLeft := 10;
Chart1.MarginRight := 10;
Code: Select all
unit MainUnit;
System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants,
FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMXTee.Engine,
FMXTee.Procs, FMXTee.Chart, FMXTee.Series, FMXTee.Canvas;
TForm4 = class(TForm)
Chart1: TChart;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FLineChart: TLineSeries;
{ Public declarations }
Form4: TForm4;
{$R *.fmx}
procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
LDate: TDate;
LDateText: string;
Chart1.AllowPanning := TPanningMode.pmNone;
Chart1.LeftWall.Dark3D := False;
Chart1.Legend.Visible := False;
Chart1.Title.Text.Text := '';
Chart1.Title.Visible := False;
Chart1.BottomAxis.Grid.Visible := False;
Chart1.LeftAxis.Grid.Visible := False;
Chart1.Shadow.Visible := False;
Chart1.View3D := False;
Chart1.View3DOptions.Orthogonal := False;
Chart1.View3DWalls := False;
Chart1.Zoom.Allow := False;
Chart1.Zoom.Animated := True;
Chart1.Zoom.Brush.Kind := TBrushKind.None;
Chart1.Zoom.Direction := TTeeZoomDirection.tzdVertical;
Chart1.BevelOuter := bvNone;
Chart1.Hover.Visible := False;
Chart1.BottomAxis.DateTimeFormat := 'yyyy';
Chart1.BottomAxis.LabelStyle := talNone;
Chart1.LeftAxis.LabelStyle := talNone;
FLineChart := TLineSeries.Create(Chart1);
FLineChart.Marks.Arrow.Visible := True;
FLineChart.Marks.ShapeStyle := fosRoundRectangle;
FLineChart.Marks.Visible := True;
FLineChart.Marks.Shadow.Visible := False;
FLineChart.Marks.Emboss.Visible := False;
FLineChart.Marks.Pen.Style := TPenStyle.psClear;
FLineChart.Marks.Callout.ArrowHead := ahSolid;
// FLineChart.Marks.Clip := False;
FLineChart.LinePen.Width := 2;
// Chart1.MarginLeft := 10;
// Chart1.MarginRight := 10;
// Chart1.MarginTop := 10;
// Chart1.MarginBottom := 10;
LDateText := '01/11/2015';
LDate := StrToDate(LDateText);
FLineChart.AddXY(LDate, 300, '');
FLineChart.Marks[0].Text.Add('Long hint text to display.');
FLineChart.Marks[0].Text.Add('It does not fit.');
LDateText := '06/11/2015';
LDate := StrToDate(LDateText);
FLineChart.AddXY(LDate, 300, LDateText);
LDateText := '09/11/2015';
LDate := StrToDate(LDateText);
FLineChart.AddXY(LDate, 300, LDateText);
LDateText := '14/11/2015';
LDate := StrToDate(LDateText);
FLineChart.AddXY(LDate, 300, LDateText);