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ColorGrid - Data adding problem

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:06 pm
by 7667185
I am starting a new thread on this as the previous, similar one did not help and was a bit too old to be revived in a sensible way:

I am having difficulties seeing why this code snippet would cause a world of NullPointerExceptions. What in this way of adding data is it that does not work? All is sorted, the grid is regular and the values are all integers in Double format:

Code: Select all

            ArrayList<Double> x = new ArrayList<Double>();
            ArrayList<Double> y = new ArrayList<Double>();
            ArrayList<Double> z = new ArrayList<Double>();
            ColorGrid grid = new ColorGrid(getPlotPanel().getTChart().getChart().chart);
Could anyone please let me in on how this is done? I also tried adding start,mid and end colors as well as adding the data in many other ways, all of them resulting in a ton of exceptions. And as you may know, an exception generally doesnt weigh much ;)

Below are the two typical outputs:

Code: Select all

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.fillBitmap(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.draw(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.Series.drawSeries(

Code: Select all

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ValueList.calcStats(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ValueList.getRange(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.Custom3DPalette.createDefaultPalette(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.Custom3DPalette.checkPaletteEmpty(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.Custom3DPalette.doBeforeDrawChart(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.Custom3DGrid.doBeforeDrawChart(

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:52 pm
by narcis
Hi Marius,

That's most likely a series design issue as ColorGrid series need to be populated as described here. Having said that, this code works fine:

Code: Select all

        ColorGrid grid = new ColorGrid(myChart.getChart());
        for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j<3; j++)
Anyway, I'll add your request to the defect list to be investigated for next releases.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:26 pm
by narcis
Hi Marius,

After a little bit more investigation this may be considered a ColorGrid series bug (TJ71013678).

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:11 pm
by 7667185
Hi, thanks for the reply. As I said, I already looked at the thread you referred to but since the java api is not similar to the one in that thread and not all population methods for Java worked, I needed to ask.

So, I have a follow-up question: I seem to have problems adding data to the plot which is not continuous or equi-spaced.

The data is sorted ascendingly first with respect to X-values, then for all X-values that are similar I have sorted on Z-values. the "#"-value is just what I add as the Y. The adding is like this (I apologize for the long example but it illustrates the problem in a nice way):

Code: Select all

loop(in this example 40 times):
0 X:-2.5 Z:-2.5 #:34
1 X:-2.5 Z:-2.142857 #:30
2 X:-2.5 Z:-1.785714 #:17
3 X:-2.5 Z:-1.428571 #:5
4 X:-2.5 Z:-1.428571 #:13
5 X:-2.5 Z:-1.428571 #:18
6 X:-2.5 Z:-1.071429 #:19
7 X:-2.5 Z:-1.071429 #:20
8 X:-2.5 Z:-0.714286 #:23
9 X:-2.5 Z:-0.357143 #:22
10 X:-2.142857 Z:-2.142857 #:26
11 X:-2.142857 Z:-0.714286 #:14
12 X:-2.142857 Z:-0.357143 #:27
13 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:8
14 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:9
15 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:24
16 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:35
17 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.142857 #:28
18 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.142857 #:32
19 X:-1.785714 Z:-1.071429 #:21
20 X:-1.785714 Z:-0.714286 #:11
21 X:-1.785714 Z:-0.714286 #:33
22 X:-1.785714 Z:0.0 #:25
23 X:-1.428571 Z:-2.5 #:4
24 X:-1.428571 Z:-2.5 #:36
25 X:-1.428571 Z:-2.5 #:40
26 X:-1.428571 Z:-2.142857 #:6
27 X:-1.428571 Z:-2.142857 #:39
28 X:-1.428571 Z:-1.428571 #:29
29 X:-1.428571 Z:-1.428571 #:38
30 X:-1.428571 Z:-0.714286 #:16
31 X:-1.071429 Z:-2.5 #:10
32 X:-1.071429 Z:-2.5 #:31
33 X:-1.071429 Z:-2.142857 #:1
34 X:-1.071429 Z:-2.142857 #:3
35 X:-1.0 Z:-1.0 #:41
36 X:-0.714286 Z:-2.142857 #:7
37 X:-0.714286 Z:-2.142857 #:12
38 X:-0.357143 Z:-2.142857 #:15
39 X:0.0 Z:-2.5 #:37
40 X:0.0 Z:-1.785714 #:2

The Exception I get when plotting is this:

Code: Select all

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.getZStep(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.draw(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.Series.drawSeries(
	at com.steema.teechart.Chart.internalDraw(
	at com.steema.teechart.Chart.paint(
Nothing shows up in the grid window, but when I mouseover I get loads of these exceptions:

Code: Select all

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ValueList.getValue(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.getXStep(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.maxZValue(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.getMaxYValue(
	at com.steema.teechart.Chart.internalMinMax(
	at com.steema.teechart.axis.Axis.calcMinMax(
	at com.steema.teechart.axis.Axis.adjustMaxMin(
	at com.steema.teechart.axis.Axes.adjustMaxMin(
So, is this a bug or am I not getting the point? I cannot add data to each point of the grid, but that should hopefully not be necessary?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:48 pm
by narcis
Hi Marius,

I don't think this should work as there are repeated X-Z values combinations, for example:
3 X:-2.5 Z:-1.428571 #:5
4 X:-2.5 Z:-1.428571 #:13
5 X:-2.5 Z:-1.428571 #:18
6 X:-2.5 Z:-1.071429 #:19
7 X:-2.5 Z:-1.071429 #:20
13 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:8
14 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:9
15 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:24
16 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.5 #:35
17 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.142857 #:28
18 X:-1.785714 Z:-2.142857 #:32
I don't think such data can be plotted in a grid structure.

Code to reproduce the problem:

Code: Select all

        ColorGrid colorGrid1 = new ColorGrid(myChart.getChart());
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 34, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 30, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 17, -1.785714);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 5, -1.428571);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 13, -1.428571);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 18, -1.428571);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 19, -1.071429);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 20, -1.071429);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 23, -0.714286);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.5, 22, -0.357143);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.142857, 26, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.142857, 14, -0.714286);
        colorGrid1.add(-2.142857, 27, -0.357143);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 8, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 9, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 24, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 35, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 28, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 32, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 21, -1.071429);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 11, -0.714286);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 33, -0.714286);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.785714, 25, 0.0);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 4, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 36, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 40, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 6, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 39, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 29, -1.428571);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 38, -1.428571);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.428571, 16, -0.714286);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.071429, 10, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.071429, 31, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.071429, 1, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.071429, 3, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-1.0, 41, -1.0);
        colorGrid1.add(-0.714286, 7, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-0.714286, 12, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(-0.357143, 15, -2.142857);
        colorGrid1.add(0.0, 37, -2.5);
        colorGrid1.add(0.0, 2, -1.785714);

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:47 pm
by 7667185
Ok I assumed that doublet values would be overwritten, but that might be the problem. Will create a doublet-remover then, thanks.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:05 pm
by 7667185
This array of data is added in the manner previously described, but still I get Exceptions... Now both X and Z are in ascending order, and there are no doublette values. The NullPointerException is gone, but there are still ArrayOutOfBoundsExceptions going on:
  • 0 X:1.0 Z:-2.5 #:5
    1 X:1.0 Z:-2.142857 #:14
    2 X:1.0 Z:-1.785714 #:8
    3 X:1.0 Z:-1.428571 #:4
    4 X:1.0 Z:-1.071429 #:1
    5 X:1.0 Z:-0.714286 #:7
    6 X:1.0 Z:-0.357143 #:15
    7 X:1.0 Z:0.0 #:2
    8 X:2.0 Z:-2.5 #:34
    9 X:2.0 Z:-1.785714 #:32
    10 X:2.0 Z:-1.428571 #:36
    11 X:2.0 Z:-1.071429 #:31
    12 X:2.0 Z:0.0 #:37
    13 X:3.0 Z:-1.0 #:41

Code: Select all

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ValueList.getValue(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.getXStep(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.maxZValue(
	at com.steema.teechart.styles.ColorGrid.getMaxYValue(
	at com.steema.teechart.Chart.internalMinMax(
Any idea on this? I note that there are several similar values in the Z-array, but none with also similar X-value...

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:45 pm
by narcis
Hi Marius,

I could reproduce the issue here and added it (TJ71013700) to the defect list to be investigated for next releases.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:18 am
by 7667185
OK that's good news at least, but can you propose a work-around or a different approach for me on this?

Unrelated; to get the newest release, we buy the package again right? Looking forward to try the improvements from last time.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:26 am
by narcis
Hi Marius,
OK that's good news at least, but can you propose a work-around or a different approach for me on this?
I'm sorry but I can't think of a workaround for this. The only idea I can think of would be using multiple ColorGrid series. For example, you could try using one for all X=1.0 values and another one for X=2.0.
Unrelated; to get the newest release, we buy the package again right? Looking forward to try the improvements from last time.
This has been reported as a TeeChart for Java v1 issue. Current version is v2 so I can't promise it will be fixed in v1. If it only was fixed in v2 you should only have to upgrade your v1 license to v2:

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:46 pm
by 7667185

Hmm what about using surfaces for this purpose, would that work you think? When I try to split up the series I dont get any exceptions but I also do not get anything up in my grid... Any additional thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated as it is highly important for me to get this view going.


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:17 pm
by narcis
Hi Marius,

Using a Surface series plots a chart:

Code: Select all

        Surface surface1 = new Surface(myChart.getChart());        
        surface1.add(1.0, 5, -2.5); 
        surface1.add(1.0, 14, -2.142857);
        surface1.add(1.0, 8, -1.785714);
        surface1.add(1.0, 4, -1.428571);
        surface1.add(1.0, 1, -1.071429);
        surface1.add(1.0, 7, -0.714286);
        surface1.add(1.0, 15, -0.357143);
        surface1.add(1.0, 2, 0.0);
        surface1.add(2.0, 34, -2.5);
        surface1.add(2.0, 32, -1.785714);
        surface1.add(2.0, 36, -1.428571);
        surface1.add(2.0, 31, -1.071429);
        surface1.add(2.0, 37, 0.0);
        surface1.add(3.0, 41, -1.0);
However this may not be what you expect as for defining a surface series cell you need 4 points.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:22 am
by 7667185
Hmm thanks, but Surface did not work very well.

I am not sure if I understood you correctly previously: Is this bug also in version 2 of the Java-API? If it is, what do you think will be done about it (wrt when it might be fixed)?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:03 am
by narcis
Hi Marius,

Yes, the bug is also present in v2. Sorry but I don't know what will be done with this issue at the present moment. An estimate fix date hasn't been set either. I recommend you to be aware at this forum or subscribe to our RSS news feed for new release announcements and what's fixed on them.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:57 pm
by 7667185
As the need for it is rising; have you figured out what to do with this problem yet? It is a whole plot type which is not working properly, so it is a bit of a problem to us at least. It would be really nice if I also do not have to do the sorting of the input-arrays myself too, as it is just such a potential for errors ;)

Thanks in advance