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Small problems

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:05 pm
by 15354003
1. I'd like markers are not blocked each other
2. I'd like values of markers is double type( not int ) example : post 25% => post 25,3%


Re: Small problems

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:06 am
by narcis
Hi Dmitry,
1. I'd like markers are not blocked each other
You can avoid marks overlapping as shown here. This is a TeeChart for .NET thread but the same applies to TeeChart for Java.
2. I'd like values of markers is double type( not int ) example : post 25% => post 25,3%
You should be able to set that using PercentFormat:

Code: Select all

        Points points1 = new Points(tChart1.getChart());
        points1.setPercentFormat("##0.00 '%'");
However, I've checked this doesn't work and added the issue (TJ71014544) to the defect list to be fixed. In the meantime the only solution I can think of is formatting manually marks text using the OnGetSeriesMark event as shown in tutorial 6. Tutorials are available at TeeChart's "Docs" folder.

Hope this helps!

Re: Small problems

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:49 pm
by 15354003
Do you plane add decision overlap problem next release?

Re: Small problems

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:22 pm
by narcis
Hi Dmitry,

I forgot to tell you that you can try using AutoMarkPosition property:

Code: Select all
