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Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:48 am
by 13050730
Hi Narcis,
I have some more queries regarding the TeeChart Activex Control v8:
1. How can I add dataset as data source for the Chart.
2. If the series gets empty or null value for a data point, how can we show a gap in the line series.
To make it more clear let's say we have 10 ponits to draw a chart for the points 1 to 4 we have some data and point 5 is blank. in that case how can we show a gap on the line and resume from point 6 onwards. We are using fast line series.

Please help as soon as possible.
Thanks and regards

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:05 am
by narcis
Hi Ashustosh,
1. How can I add dataset as data source for the Chart.
You need to do as shown in Tutorial 8 - ADO Database access. Tutorials can be found at TeeChart's program group.
2. If the series gets empty or null value for a data point, how can we show a gap in the line series.
To make it more clear let's say we have 10 ponits to draw a chart for the points 1 to 4 we have some data and point 5 is blank. in that case how can we show a gap on the line and resume from point 6 onwards. We are using fast line series.
This can be achieved using new TreatNulls property as shown in the What's New?\New in Series\Fast Line TreatNulls example at the features demo, also available at TeeChart's program group.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:05 am
by 13050730
Hi Narcis,

I have uploaded an image file here which displays a sample chart with gaps for the null values data. How can I achieve the same. Kindly note that the chart in the image is TeeChart Activex control.

Let me know in case of any more clarifications needed.

Thanks and regards

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:18 am
by yeray
Hi Ashustosh,

Having the property "IgnoreNulls" to false:

Code: Select all

TChart1.Series(0).asFastLine.IgnoreNulls = False
you should set the property "TreatNulls" as you wish. The property:

Code: Select all

And the three possible values:

Code: Select all


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:45 am
by 13050730
Hi Narcis, Yeray

This is to say you Thanks a lot for your support and suggestions. This has been relly great pleasure to work with such support which you provide.

Thanks and regards
Ashutosh Prasad