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IrregularGrid Surface

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:24 pm
by 9082357
Hi all together,
I have to write a program to display measurements results made on a silicon wafer.
The coordinates are polar coordinates.
I need to diplay the results in a 3D surface series.
I tried this code to simulate the data.

This does not work. The programm completly crachs

I receive this message:

"Access violation in Adress 0365C117 in module 'TeeChart6Langs.ocx', Write of Adresse 00000606"

Is it possible to display polar data in TChart?
It is also possible that on result is false,
resulting in gaps in the data.
Can TChart manage these Gaps

every input is helpfull.
thanks a lot

Code: Select all

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x, y, z, Angle As Double
Dim i, ii As Integer
Dim Radius, Pi As Double
Pi = 3.14159
Radius = 150

With TChart1.Series(0).asSurface
IrregularGrid = True
For i = 0 To 360 Step 20
 Angle= i / 180 * Pi
 For ii = 1 To 10l
  x = Radius / 10 * ii * Sin(Angle)
  y = ii ^ 2
  z = Radius / 10 * ii * Cos(Angle)
  .AddXYZ x, y, z, "", clTeeColor
Next i
next ii
End With
End Sub

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 5:45 pm
by Pep
Hi Michael,

I'm able to reproduce the problem, it seems to be a bug. I'm going to review it. I'll let you know something asap.