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Teechart Pro 8 compile problem fixed..but why?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:52 am
by 15048423
I was having a problem compliling my VB6 sp6 project which uses TeeChart Pro ver8 and Active Reports 2. The compile was OK, but when the exe was written, the whole thing crashed. Couldn't make an exe. After much stuffing about, I discovered..accidentally, that if I left my AR's OPEN in the IDE when I compiled, my exe was compiled and written as per usual. Closing them down, ie leaving the IDE empty, caused the exe write to crash. Err...why, any ideas..anyone?

Thanks in advance



Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:53 am
by Pep
Hi David,

strange problem. Does this happen on more than one machine ? Could you please check it ?

Another thing you can test is to change the following option on project -> properties :

Go to Compile Tab and select to "Compile to P-Code".

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:05 am
by 15048423
Hello Pep

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, this is a problem on my main box Core 2 Quad, 3gb Ram, XP-Pro sp2, as well as my laptop AMD Turion64 XP-Pro sp2.

However, yes, compiling to P-Code works as normal, at least on my Quad box (Laptop is at another site at the moment) problems. How come?

Later: Funniliy enough, changing the compile to P-Code on my laptop still produced the exe write error.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:58 am
by Pep
Hi David,

The P-Code option can help when app gives some crashes, and can make to run faster the app.

How are you using TeeChart into the Active Report forms ?
Have you tried if the same crash happens without using TChart components ?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:24 pm
by 15048423
Hello Pep

Actually, the P-Code is now giving the same crash. If I remove the TeeChart from my AR's all compiles and writes it did with TeeChart 3.

I use about 4 - 6 Teecharts in each of 7 AR's. They are simple point 1 - 2 series graphs with a ColorBand to indicate test acceptance levels. They draw their data from SQL Server 2005 database via a DSN ODBC link. Apart from that, there is nothing exceptional about my TeeChart or AR.

I only swapped from TeeChart 3 to 8 because where I want character data on an axis from a db table, I was getting numbers. It worked OK in Access 2000, but not SQL Server 2005. Example would be to plot Reagent Name against Numeric Result. Numeric result would be OK, but the Character name would come out as numbers (???). All solved with TeeChart 8, but now I can't compile without leaving the AR's containing graphs open in the IDE.

As I said, it compiled OK with P-Code, for a few times before coming up with the same error. Funnily enough, I didn't have a problem with the TeeChart 7 evaluation copy. I all compiled and wrote normally except that I got a message about the Chart being an evaluation copy etc. I would have liked to stay with 7, but 8 was released before I could buy 7.
I have passed this error message onto Data Dynamics and they say that they can also reporduce this compile error.


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:54 pm
by Pep
Hi David,

ok, thanks for the info.
Which TeeChart Pro ActiveX version are you using ?
Is the unicode version ? If so, would you be so kind to check if using the no-unicode version (although you get ??? characters) gives the same error ?

Would it be possible to send us an example (free database one) with which we can reproduce as is the problem here ?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:53 pm
by 15048423

I am using Teechart Pro v8. It is the only one that is listed in my AR Active X toolbox. How will I know whether it is unicode or non-unicode please?
As to supplying you with an example, do you want an Active Report RPX file?



Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:33 am
by narcis
Hi David,

You can check the TeeChart Pro ActiveX version you are using by right-clicking on the component and selecting the "About" option.

Yes please, send us the files at news:// newsgroup or at our upload page.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:22 am
by 15048423
Hello Narcis

My version of TeeChart Pro is:

TeeChart Pro v8.

I have sent you an RPX file from my project to your upload address.

Best regards


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:05 pm
by narcis
Hi David,

Thanks for the file but could you please send us a full example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:44 pm
by 15048423
Hello Narcis

I have sent you a zip file of a small project incorporating just one of my AR's with 3 TeeCharts on. Uploaded in your Upload area.

Best regards


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:17 am
by narcis
Hi David,

Thanks for the example project but we couldn't load it because we don't have threed32.ocx and sg20o.ocx. We are using an evaluation version of ActiveReports. Omitting those warnings we could load the project and build the .exe without problems.

Could you please try generating the exe of the example at C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual Basic\Visual Basic 5 & 6\ActiveReports v2? Could you also try the same with your project but without mentioned controls?

Finally, would you be so kind to let us know where we can obtain threed32.ocx and sg20o.ocx?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:36 pm
by 15048423
Hello Narcis

C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual Basic\Visual Basic 5 & 6\ActiveReports v2 will load, but not run. It comes up with an error that it can't load TChart1.

Following the instruction in Option Explicit, there is no Teechart 8 in the Project ->References listed. There is in Project -> Components, but I can't load TeeChart V 8 as I get an error "Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library"

Browsing to the TeeChart installation folder..see below, and finding the ocx didn't help either.

I can't see TeeChart V8 or TeeChart v6, as this example uses, registered anywhere in this project.

threed32.ocx comes with VB6 and is located on the VB disk under:


You have to load the threed32 and then register it using regsvr32.exe

sg20o.ocx is Data Dynamics #grid

Remove those references will be fine as neither of these components are used on the AR report. Sorry, I didn't see them when I posted the project up to you.

When I remove them here, my project still fails to write the exe.


I am intersted that you say in your example that TeeChart V8 is in the Project ->REFERENCE section. In mine it isn't. No mention of is in Project ->Components. If I browse to the TeeChart installation folder under References, I have lpng.dll, but I can't load that. If I say list Active X controls, I find the TeeChart8.ocx, but I can't load it, I get the same error as mentioned previously: "Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library"

I did uninstall TeeChart v8, and reinstalled it, but still can't load the TeeChart8.ocx.
Could this be the problem?

Did you compile the project with the AR CLOSED in the IDE? I can compile if I leave it OPEN, but not CLOSED. Just a thought.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:25 pm
by 15048423

I have posted you another zip of my small project. It only has the essential references and the TeeChart v8 control. No code. When closed in the IDE, this single form will not write the exe here. Hope this is helpful.



Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:07 am
by narcis
Hi David,

Thanks for the example project. We could reproduce the issue here but haven't found a way to avoid this issue for now. Removing TChart's from the report stoped the crash from happening.

I've added the defect (TA05013007) to our bug list to be investigated for future releases. In the meantime exe files will have to be generated with the reports open.