asDrawline tool is not working

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:00 am

asDrawline tool is not working

Post by » Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:28 am

With Chart1

.Tools.Items(0).Active = True
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Visible = False
.Cursor = 0
.Zoom.Enable = True
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableDraw = False
End With
The above code was working fine before upgrading to Version 7. Now, When I click on the arrow button, the pensil tool is still drawing on

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Location: Banyoles, Catalonia

Post by Narcís » Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:58 am


DrawLine tool and their EnableDraw and Active properties work fine for me here using v7.0.1.4, which is the latest TeeChart Pro v7 ActiveX release available at the client area. Which exact version are you using?
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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Post by » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:03 am

It is Active X version 7.0

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Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 4:00 am
Location: Banyoles, Catalonia

Post by Narcís » Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:32 am


Could you please try uninstalling your current version, download v7.0.1.4 from the client download area, install it and check if it works fine at your end?

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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Post by » Mon May 05, 2008 7:21 am

Hi I did install the It did not solve the problem.

The folloiwng is the code. Please advise.

<HTML><HEAD><title>Infoscan Charts</title>
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="Style.css"></HEAD>

'Tickername= sticker
format = session("format")
'response.write format



Sub FillChart()
Chart1.Import.LoadFromURL("http://WWW.INFOSCAN.CO.NZ/icommerce/mem ... p?Type=tee")
End Sub

Sub Chart1_OnAfterDraw()
End sub

Sub Window_Onload()
Dim t
'Chart1.Series(0).XValues.DateTime = False
'Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Style = talMark
'Chart1.Series(1).Color = vbblue

With Chart1.Series(0)
' For t = 0 To .Count - 1
.PointColor(t) = vbBlack
' Next t
End With

Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.CandleStyle = 1
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.UpCloseColor = vbBlack
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.DownCloseColor = vbBlack
Chart1.Walls.Back.Color = vbWhite

With Chart1

.Tools.Add 0
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Series = 0 ' Uses Seriesindex
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.FollowMouse = True

.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Style = psSolid
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Color = vbBlack
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Visible = False

'.Tools.Items(0).Active = False

'.Tools.Add 3
'.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.Button = mbLeft
'.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableSelect = True
'.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.Pen.Color = vbBlack
'.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableDraw = False

.Zoom.Enable = True
.Scroll.Enable = True

'.Series(0).VerticalAxis = 2 'abothvertAxis

.SubFooter.Text.Add formatdatetime(now(),1) &" "& formatdatetime(now(),3) '"new sub footer text"

'.Series(0).Color = vbblue
End With
'Chart1.Series(0).XValues.DateTime = False

End sub

Sub RefreshPage()
Chart1.Cursor = -11 'crHourGlass
'Chart1.Series(1).Cursor = 0 'crDefault

Document.Location="intraDayChartsv4.asp?Ticker=" _
+ Target4.options(Target4.selectedIndex).value _
+ "&IndType=" + SelectInd.options(SelectInd.selectedIndex).value
End sub

Sub LoadNewSecurity()

Chart1.Cursor = -11 'crHourGlass

'Chart1.Import.LoadFromURL(" ... p?Type=tee")
Chart1.Import.LoadFromURL(" ... 0&Period=5")
'' Document.Location="intraDayChartsv4.asp?Ticker=" _
'' + ticName.value _
'' + "&IndType=" + SelectInd.options(SelectInd.selectedIndex).value

End sub
Private Sub Chart1_OnBeforeDrawSeries()
End Sub

Sub LoadIntraDayChart()
dim t

Chart1.Cursor = -11 'crHourGlass

'Chart1.Import.LoadFromURL(" ... 0&Period=5")

Document.Location=" ... sp?Ticker=" _
+ ticName.value _
+ "&IndType=" + SelectInd.options(SelectInd.selectedIndex).value _
+ "&Period=" + SelectPeriod.options(SelectPeriod.selectedIndex).value

'With Chart1.Series(0)
' For t = 0 To .Count - 1
' .PointColor(t) = vbBlack
' Next t
' End With


End Sub



' Start of Buttons Section
Sub Normal()
With Chart1
.Cursor = 0
.Tools.Items(0).Active = False
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableDraw = False
.Zoom.Enable = True
.Scroll.Enable = True
.Series(0).Color = vbblue
End With
End Sub

Sub Arrow()
With Chart1
.Tools.Items(0).Active = True
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Visible = False
.Cursor = 0
.Zoom.Enable = True
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableDraw = False

End With

End Sub

Sub Draw()
With Chart1
.Cursor = 0
.Tools.Items(0).Active = False
.Zoom.Enable = False
.Scroll.Enable = False
.tools.add 3
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.Button = mbLeft
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableSelect = True
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.Pen.Color = vbBlack
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableDraw = False

.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableDraw = True

End With
End Sub

Sub Cursor()
With Chart1
.Cursor = -3
.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.EnableDraw = False
'.Zoom.Enable = False
.Scroll.Enable = False
.Tools.Items(0).Active = True
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

Sub SetCandle()

If CandleStyle.value = "0" Then
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.CandleStyle = 0
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.UpCloseColor = vbWhite
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.DownCloseColor = vbRed

ElseIf CandleStyle.value = "1" Then
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.CandleStyle = 1
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.UpCloseColor = vbBlack
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.DownCloseColor = vbBlack
Chart1.Walls.Back.Color = vbWhite

Elseif CandleStyle.value = "2" Then
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.UpCloseColor = vbBlack
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.DownCloseColor = vbBlack
Chart1.Walls.Back.Color = vbWhite
End If
End Sub

Sub CandleStick()
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.CandleStyle = 0
'Chart1.Series(0).Color = vbblue
End Sub

Sub OHLCBar()
Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.CandleStyle = 1
'Chart1.Series(0).Color = vbblue
End Sub

Sub DeleteLine()
End Sub

Sub PrintChart()
End Sub

' End of Buttons Section

' Start of Indicator Section
Sub SetIndicator()

Dim IndType
'IndType = SelectInd.Value

If SelectInd.Value = 24 Then
Chart1.Axis.Left.StartPosition = 0
Chart1.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 75
Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = Chart1.Axis.AddCustom(False)

With Chart1.Axis.Custom(0)
.StartPosition = 75
.EndPosition = 100
End With

Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = 0
With Chart1
.Series(1).VerticalAxis = 5 'aRightAxis
.Series(1).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(1).SetFunction (24)
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Caption = "ADX"
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Angle = 90
.Series(1).Color = vbblue
End With

L1.Value = 14
L2.Value = ""
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 23 Then
With Chart1
.Series(2).VerticalAxis = 0'aRightAxis
.Series(2).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(2).SetFunction (23)
.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = "Bollinger Bands"
.Axis.Left.Title.Angle = 90
'.Axis.right.Title.Caption = "Bollinger Bands"
'.Axis.right.Title.Angle = 90
.Series(2).Color = vbblue
End With
L1.Value = 20
L2.Value = 2
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 21 Then
Chart1.Axis.Left.StartPosition = 0
Chart1.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 75
Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = Chart1.Axis.AddCustom(false)

With Chart1.Axis.Custom(0)
.StartPosition = 75
.EndPosition = 100
End With

Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = 0
With Chart1
.Series(1).VerticalAxis = 5 'aRightAxis
.Series(1).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(1).SetFunction (21)
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Caption = "MACD"
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Angle = 90
.Series(1).Color = vbblue
End With
L1.Value = 9
L2.Value = ""
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 10 Then
Chart1.Axis.Left.StartPosition = 0
Chart1.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 75
Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = Chart1.Axis.AddCustom(False)

With Chart1.Axis.Custom(0)
.StartPosition = 75
.EndPosition = 100
End With

Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = 0
With Chart1
.Series(1).VerticalAxis = 5 'aRightAxis
.Series(1).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(1).SetFunction (10)
.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = 10
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Caption = "Momenteun"
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Angle = 90
.Series(1).Color = vbblue
End With
L1.Value = 14
L2.Value = ""
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 8 Then
With Chart1
.Series(2).VerticalAxis = 0 'aRightAxis
.Series(2).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(2).SetFunction (8)
.Series(2).FunctionType.Period = 14
'.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 100
.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = "Moving Average " & L1.value & " Day"
.Axis.Left.Title.Angle = 90
End With
L1.Value = 10
L2.Value = ""
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 9 Then
With Chart1
.Series(2).VerticalAxis = 0 'aRightAxis
.Series(2).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(2).SetFunction (8)
.Series(2).FunctionType.Period = 5
'.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 100
.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = "Moving Average " & L1.value & " Day"
.Axis.Left.Title.Angle = 90
End With
L1.Value = 5
L2.Value = ""

With Chart1
.Series(3).VerticalAxis = 0 'aRightAxis
.Series(3).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(3).SetFunction (8)
.Series(3).FunctionType.Period = 18
.Series(3).Color = vbRed
'.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 100
'.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = "Moving Average " & L2.value & " Day"
'.Axis.Left.Title.Angle = 90
End With
L1.Value = 5
L2.Value = 18
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 18 Then
With Chart1
.Series(2).VerticalAxis = 0 'aRightAxis
.Series(2).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(2).SetFunction (18)
.Series(2).FunctionType.Period = 14
'.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 100
.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = "Moving Average Exp"
.Axis.Left.Title.Angle = 90
End With
L1.Value = 10
L2.Value = ""
End If
If SelectInd.Value = 12 Then
Chart1.Axis.Left.StartPosition = 0
Chart1.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 75
Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = Chart1.Axis.AddCustom(False)

With Chart1.Axis.Custom(0)
.StartPosition = 75
.EndPosition = 100
End With

Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = 0
With Chart1
.Series(1).VerticalAxis = 5 'aRightAxis
.Series(1).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(1).SetFunction (12)
.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = 14
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Caption = "RSI"
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Angle = 90
.Series(1).Color = vbblue
End With

L1.Value = 14
L2.Value = ""
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 22 Then
Chart1.Axis.Left.StartPosition = 0
Chart1.Axis.Left.EndPosition = 75
Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = Chart1.Axis.AddCustom(False)

With Chart1.Axis.Custom(0)
.StartPosition = 75
.EndPosition = 100
End With

Chart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = 0
With Chart1
.Series(1).VerticalAxis = 5 'aRightAxis
.Series(1).DataSource = "Series0"
.Series(1).SetFunction (22)
.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = 14
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Caption = "Stochastic"
.Axis.Custom(0).Title.Angle = 90
End With
L1.Value = 9
L2.Value = ""
End If

End Sub

' End of Indicator Section

'Use Delete key to remove trendlines

Sub DeleteLinexx() 'Command3_KeyDown(KeyCode)

Dim intKeyCode
intKeyCode = CInt(KeyCode)

'Uses 'del' key to remove selected line
'Set KeyCode = "Integer"
'If (KeyCode) = intKeyCode Then
'If CINT(KeyCode) = intKeyCode Then
' Chart1.Tools.Items(1).asDrawLine.DeleteSelected
'End if

'Uses 'del' key to remove selected line

If intKeyCode = 46 then 'vbKeyDelete Then '46

End If

End Sub

Sub ChangeIndVal()
If SelectInd.Value = 24 Then
Chart1.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 23 Then
Chart1.Series(2).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 21 Then
Chart1.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 10 Then
Chart1.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 8 Then
Chart1.Series(2).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 9 Then
Chart1.Series(2).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
Chart1.Series(3).FunctionType.Period = L2.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 18 Then
Chart1.Series(2).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 12 Then
Chart1.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

If SelectInd.Value = 22 Then
Chart1.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = L1.Value
End If

End Sub

'Cursor Values routine
Private Sub Chart1_OnCursorToolChange(ByVal Tool, ByVal X, ByVal Y, ByVal XVal, ByVal YVal, ByVal Series, ByVal ValueIndex)
Dim MyXVal
Dim MyYVal
DIM MyPrice
Dim MyValueIndex
Dim MyText
Dim MyDate
'Dim Format

'response.write "format"

MyYVal = YVal
MyPrice = MyYVal
MyXVal = XVal
MyValueIndex = MyXVal - Chart1.Series(0).asCandle.DateValues.Value(0)

If MyValueIndex > -1 Then
MyDate = Chart1.Series(0).PointLabel(MyValueIndex)
'MyPrice = Chart1.Series(0).PointLabel(MyPriceIndex)
With Chart1.Series(0)
MyText = " Date = " & MyDate & " " _
& "O = " & formatnumber(.asCandle.OpenValues.Value(MyValueIndex),4) & " " _
& "H = " & formatnumber(.asCandle.HighValues.Value(MyValueIndex),4) & " " _
& "L = " & formatnumber(.asCandle.LowValues.Value(MyValueIndex),4) & " " _
& "C = " & formatnumber(.asCandle.CloseValues.Value(MyValueIndex),4) & " "_
& "Y = " & formatnumber(myprice,4) & " "
End With
End If
Chart1.SubHeader.Text.Add MyText
'D1.Value = MyText
End Sub

<table width=90% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 >
<tr align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Ticker</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Period</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Chart Type</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Indicator</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Indicator Value</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Arrow</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Draw</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Cursor</b></font>
<font face=verdana size=1><b>Print</b></font>

<tr align=center>


<input type="text" name="ticName" size="10" language=VBScript value="<%=tickername%>" onchange="LoadIntraDayChart()">
<SELECT NAME="SelectPeriod" language="VBScript" onchange="LoadIntraDayChart()">
<OPTION VALUE="<%=periodlength%>"><%=periodlength%> Min
<OPTION VALUE="10">10 Min
<OPTION VALUE="15">15 Min
<OPTION VALUE="30">30 Min
<OPTION VALUE="60">60 Min
<SELECT NAME="CandleStyle" width="10" language="VBScript" onchange="SetCandle()">
<OPTION VALUE="0">Candle Stick</option>

<SELECT NAME="SelectInd" language="VBScript" onchange="SetIndicator()">

<option SELECTED value="0">Select Indicator</option>
<OPTION VALUE="24">ADX</option>
<OPTION VALUE="23">Bollinger
<OPTION VALUE="10">Momentum
<OPTION VALUE="8">Moving Ave
<OPTION VALUE="9">Moving Ave X2
<OPTION VALUE="18">Moving Ave Exp
<OPTION VALUE="22">Stochastic
<input type="text" name="L1" size="1">&nbsp;<input type="text" name="L2" size="1"><input type="button" value="Go" onclick="changeIndVal" name="IndVal">&nbsp;
<input type="image" src=" ... /arrow.jpg"
height=24 width=24 border=0 onclick="Arrow" alt="Pointer" align="absbottom" name="Arrow">
<input type="image" src=" ... s/draw.jpg"
height=24 width=24 border=0 onclick="Draw" alt="Draw" align="absbottom" name="Draw">
<input type="image" src=" ... cursor.jpg"
height=24 width=24 border=0 onclick="Cursor" alt="Cursor" name="Cursor" align="absbottom">
<input type="image" src=" ... /print.jpg"
height=24 width=24 border=0 onclick="printchart" alt="Print Chart" name="Cursor" align="absbottom">
<!--<input type="image" src=" ... delete.jpg"-->
<input type="image" src=" ... square.jpg"
height=1 width=1 border=0 align="absbottom" value="" onclick="deleteline" onkeydown="DeleteLine" name="Command3">

codebase=" ... on=7,0,1,3">


<!---<object ID="Chart1" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" align="center"bgcolor="white"
codebase=" ... on=5,0,0,1"

<p align=center>
<a href="javascript:window.close()"><font face=arial size=1 color=red>Close Window</font></a>

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 14730
Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 4:00 am
Location: Banyoles, Catalonia

Post by Narcís » Mon May 05, 2008 9:47 am


Could you please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here? Also notice that the code you posted is referencing v7.0.1.3 in the codebase section.

You can either post your files at news:// newsgroup or at our upload page.

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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