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TChart does not display first series

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:23 pm
by 9079212

We are using for charting.

In our product we have chart refresh functionality.
So when user clicks on refersh we will create .tee file in the server end,
and we call Chart.Import.LoadFromURL(urlteeChartFileName) in javascript.

Some times chart does not show data series as lines even though we load the data.

is it a known issue?
Please let me know?

Note: We have seen version 7 release notes the following line.
- Multiple IE Window fix. Resolves too, IE client SeriesTextSrc problem.

is it the same issue as what we are experiencing?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:22 am
by yeray
Hi lmb,

The method LoadFromURL doesn't work well in v6 but it was fixed at v7 and up.

Need patch for LoadFromURL to work properly

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 6:24 am
by 9079212

is there any patch available for LoadFromURL method to work properly for

We are trying to resolve our customer issue with teechart.

Please let us know?

Bala Ghanta
Software Developer
Compuware Corporation

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:40 am
by yeray
I'm sorry but there's no patch to solve this issue for TeeChart v6.

Are you using Internet Explorer 7? If yes, the problem seems to be some compatibility problems with IE7 which were solved at TeeChart v7.

So, probably, you can solve this downgrading to IE6 and keeping with your TeeChart v6 or keeping your IE7 and upgrading to TeeChart v7 or v8.