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Using TeeChart on a userform in VBA - wrap in compiled tool?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:12 am
by 9091610

Using TeeChart ActiveX version, I've created a useful little tool that allows me to do some funky things in Excel.

If I want to commercially distribute this, can anyone please advise me as to how I could do it within the bounds of the license agreements re: distributing the ocx file? i.e. do I have to wrap the vba code into an Excel add-in or something like this? Any thoughts would be appreciated?

Many thanks,

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:14 am
by narcis
Hi Phil,

Can you please read Tutorial 18 - TeeChart runtime installation requirements? You'll find the tutorials at TeeChart's program group. Here you'll also find the license agreement.

Hope this helps!

Lock/Compile Userforms and Macros in Excel?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:19 pm
by 9091610
Hi Narcis,

Thanks for the very quick response. However, having read both the license and Tutorial 18, I'm not sure of the best way to proceed. I'll explain a bit further.

I'm using the TeeChart ActiveX functionality within Excel. In other words, I first register the .ocx file then have a spreadsheet with a module and a userform to run the TeeChart application. So this works as a macro and the controlling code is all written in VBA.

The license says...
"You may not distribute TeeChart compiled classes to enable its use as a development tool".

If I give out my macro with the userform and the .ocx file, I'm thinking people could then edit the macro if they wanted to...would this constitute "enabling it to be used as a development tool"? Or do I just have to follow the advice of another part of the licence which says...

"The installed client should be made aware that any other development using the TeeChart Control requires a developer license and, if on-development is the case, non-ownership of such a license would be an infringement of the TeeChart licensing agreement even if the Control has been prior installed for use with a license compliant compiled application."

...which suggests as long as I make it crystal clear that the macros can't be developed further, it's ok?

Otherwise do you or anyone else know a way to either lock or compile VBA macros/userforms, possibly into an Excel add-on that would constitute a compiled program?


Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:04 pm
by Pep
Hi Phil,
...which suggests as long as I make it crystal clear that the macros can't be developed further, it's ok?
Yes, informing of that in your app's (or macros) should be sufficient. There's not other way.