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Error showing unicode strings (Chinese) in Headers URGENT!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:33 am
by 9530762

I´m trying to show chinese strings in chart Headers and i only obtain question marks.


CString strTitle1 = _T("산자");

COleVariant varTitle1(strTitle1);


The result is the next string:

I'm already using TeeChartAX7MultiLangUnicode.

This problem doesn't appear in Legends or axis titles.

I hope you can find a solution.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:29 pm
by Pep

to be able to show the unicode characters on this way you should code the title, using the following code to change it should work fine :
TChart1.Header.Caption = TChart1.Environment.CodeUTF8String("부동산자산 ")