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Area series pattern color

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:38 pm
by 9531332
It appears that for an Area series, the TChart dialog's Series->Format->Color button corresponds to the AreaColor property.

What does the Series->Format->Pattern->Color button correspond to? I've tried ISeries.Color, IAreaSeries.AreaPen.Color, but neither seems to do the same thing.

Also, it seems to act kinda wierd. If you take the All Features\Components\Chart Editor\Chart Editor Dialog example, do the following:

1.) change the series to a 2D area
2.) Click on the Series->Format->Pattern button to bring up the Pattern Color Editor dialog
3.) Click on the different patterns, you see the different patterns being drawn apparently using the same color (black), the "series color" looks like it is being used as the background, with the "pattern color" used to draw the pattern lines
4.) Click on the Color button in the Pattern Color Editor dialog, select black, and click ok
5.) Now the drawing appears to have "inverted" (i.e. the series color is now the one used to draw the pattern lines, while the "pattern color" is now the "background color")

I'm not sure if this is a bug in the chart dialog, the chart itself, or maybe it's not a bug and I just don't understand what is going on.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:00 am
by narcis
Hi thatnerdyguy,

The problem is that AreaChartBrush was missing as told here.

As told in the forum thread above, AreaChartBrush has already been included and v7.0.1.4 was released at the beginning of this week. So you can now use this:

Code: Select all

    TChart1.Series(0).asArea.AreaChartBrush.Color = vbBlue
I'm not sure if this is a bug in the chart dialog, the chart itself, or maybe it's not a bug and I just don't understand what is going on.
I've tried with the features demo included with the features demo included with v7.0.1.4 installation and doesn't behave the way you reported. Could you please test it again with v7.0.1.4?

Thanks in advance.