Scripting create.object""
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:29 pm
We have upgraded to Teechart7 (The langs versions). We are unable to get the teechart object to get created server-side via ASP script. We are running: Set Chart1 = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.7") And we get a permission denied error. We have given the .ocx read & execute privs for the IIS User... Any ideas on what else we can try?
We have upgraded to Teechart7 (The langs versions). We are unable to get the teechart object to get created server-side via ASP script. We are running: Set Chart1 = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.7") And we get a permission denied error. We have given the .ocx read & execute privs for the IIS User... Any ideas on what else we can try?