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IDrawLineTool.FromPoint or IDrawLine.StartPos?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:19 am
by 9079459

what the difference between the properties?
IDrawLine.StartPos (EndPos) set start\end points of corrsponding line.
but what the purpose of IDrawLineTool.FromPoint (ToPoint) properties?


Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:59 am
by Pep
Hi nefis,

as you can see in the Help, it says :

DrawLine is the Line component used by the DrawLineTool to draw custom lines on the Chart.
You can use the Canvas drawing to do exactly the same. Or
uou can also use the DrawLineTool to draw lines programatically.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 12:43 pm
by 9079459
but you didn't answer on my question
what the difference between IDrawLineTool.FromPoint (ToPoint) and IDrawLine.StartPos (EndPos) properties?
Actually, I understand what is IDrawLine.StartPos (EndPos) for.
what the purpose of IDrawLineTool.FromPoint (ToPoint) properties?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 2:19 pm
by Chris
Hi Nefis,
but you didn't answer on my question
what the difference between IDrawLineTool.FromPoint (ToPoint) and IDrawLine.StartPos (EndPos) properties?
Actually, I understand what is IDrawLine.StartPos (EndPos) for.
what the purpose of IDrawLineTool.FromPoint (ToPoint) properties?
Actually, we would prefer it if people didn't shout in these forums :) !

Why don't you have a look at the example of these properties in use that can be seen in the AXv6 Feature Demo under:
Welcome! -> Previous version -> New Chart Tools -> Draw Line

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:02 pm
by 9079459
Is that Steema's way to treat customers? Blaming them with "souting" instead of mere answering a quistion?
Have you ever read user's postings?
I've asked a simple question
what the purpose of IDrawLineTool.FromPoint (ToPoint) properties?
to your information there is none (nada) examples on IDrawLineTool.FromPoint (ToPoint) properties. Help is no help too

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:52 am
by Chris
Hi Nefis,

Please find following a VB example of IDrawLineTool.FromPoint and IDrawLineTool.ToPoint

Code: Select all

Private Sub Command1_Click()
With TChart1
    If .Tools.Items(0).asDrawLine.Selected <> -1 Then
        Label1.Caption = "FromPoint (" & .Tools.Items(0).asDrawLine.FromPoint.X & " , " _
        & .Tools.Items(0).asDrawLine.FromPoint.Y & ")" & "  ToPoint (" & .Tools.Items(0).asDrawLine.ToPoint.X & " , " _
        & .Tools.Items(0).asDrawLine.ToPoint.Y & ")"
    End If
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
With TChart1
    .AddSeries scLine
    .Series(0).FillSampleValues 20
    .Axis.Left.SetMinMax 200, 800
    .Tools.Add tcDrawLine
    .Tools.Items(0).asDrawLine.Series = .Series(0)
    .Tools.Items(0).asDrawLine.AddLine 3, 300, 5, 600
End With
End Sub
These properties are read-only properties which read the StartPos and EndPos of the selected line. The Help file will be updated to reflect this functionality.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:00 pm
by 9079459
Hi Christopher,

thanks for the answer.
actually, saying that the properties returns end points of currently selected line would do it just fine.
