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OnGetAxisLabel not fired

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:19 pm
by 9524443
Hi, I'm using the Activex control in a .Net project, because we need that users can interact with charts.
For coding we use TChartClass object, it works so good but now I'm getting a little problem. I've attached OnGetAxisLabel event because I need to change bottom label texts, but event is not ever fired.

I've tried to set TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Multiline = true, but doesn't work. Any idea?


Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:31 pm
by narcis
Hi TenarisSiderca,

In order for us to be able to give a more accurate reply could you please answer a few simple questions before?

Are you using TeeChart Pro ActiveX in a .NET WinForms or WebForms application? Which exact TeeChart Pro ActiveX version are you using?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:43 pm
by 9524443
I really appreciate the fast answering! I forget to send you minimal details about my application, sorry.

I'm using TeeChart Activex object in webforms, with the "object" tag, that's an example:

Code: Select all

<OBJECT id="TChart1" codeBase="http://servername/,0,0,0" type="application/x-oleobject" classid="CLSID:FAB9B41C-87D6-474D-AB7E-F07D78F2422E" VIEWASTEXT><PARAM NAME="Base64" VALUE="VFBGMAtUQ2hhcnRDaGFydAAETGVmdAIAA1RvcAIABVdpZHRoA5QDBkhlaWdodAOaARJUaXRsZS5U
TeeChart DLL reports v1.0.3705 version.

Interop DLL always reports v1.0 version.

We use C# in our applications.

No more answers?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:14 pm
by 9524443
I don't received any answer after the first question, I'll try to explain better the problem.

Yesterday I wrote for problems with OnGetAxisLabel event. I was wrong talking about C# events, I'm capturing all events with VBScript inside html code. For example, I need to display popup menus when user clicks any bar, then I use:

Code: Select all

Sub TChart1_OnClickSeries(SeriesIndex, ValueIndex, Button, Shift, x, y)
OnGetAxisLabel works ok using next code:

Code: Select all

Sub TChart1_OnGetAxisLabel(Axis, SeriesIndex, ValueIndex, LabelText)
But references in VBScript seems to be value references, changing LabelText doesn't apply to the graphic. I was seeking on help to find some property that applies to exact bottom axis label but I don't found it.


Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:00 am
by Pep

In a web application using VBScript the use of the Chart1_OnGetAxisLabel() event is a little more complicated in that text is not able to passed back from the event to the TeeChart Control. To work around this you will have to use the technique descibed in ASP Server examples in the example called "Page showing 4 different export formats" - the first of these, the TeeChart Native Tee template one, has text written to its left axis. The code that does this can be seen in the file under C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TeeChart7.

Another way around will be to set custom axis labels items using technique like in the TeeChart Demo features project under :
All Features -> Welcome ! -> Axes -> Labels -> Custom Labels