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TeeChart7 crash in ASP

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:32 am
by 9532336

I installed TeeChart5.ocx Evaluation version in my ISP Web server to test ASP pages with static graphics and all went ok.
This week I purchased TeeChart7AX and a Web license. I desregistered TeeChart5.ocx Evaluation version, register TeeChart7.ocx and the same testing page chashed creating the chart object.
I installed and tested TeeChart7.ocx in local Windows2000 and XP machines a went perfect.
I tried with ChartTypes.htm/asp Steema example (changing asPNG to asJPEG), but the problem continues. The error is "Action cancelled. IE cannot link to the web page...." (it appears in the IFrame).
I tried a very simple ASP page:

Code: Select all

<!-- #INCLUDE file="include/TChartConsts.asp" -->
  Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.7")
  Chart.Series(0).FillSampleValues 20 
  Response.BinaryWrite (Chart.Export.asJPEG.SaveToStream) 
but the problem continues. The server response is "The page cannot be showed. The web page is not available now....".
Any idea? Should you send me TeeChart5.ocx to try? I need static simple charts for the moment.

Eduardo Ferruelo

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:57 am
by Pep
Hi Eduardo,

which IE version are you using, if you're using the IE7 then it's a known problem which has been fixed in the latest TeeChart ActiveX verion (v7.0.1.1) available at the private customer download page.

In the other case, verify all the folders have correct permissions, it could be related with that.

If you still having problems, could you please post the complete error you get in IE ?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:17 pm
by 9532336
Hi Josep,

I'm using IE 6.0 and I installed TeeChart ActiveX version (v7.0.1.1).
I cannot manage folder permissions in the Web server easily, because I must relay in the ISP tech support to do this. I sent a query two days ago (I read here a post about a Microsoft issue about DLL permisions) but no news. Remember that TeeChart5.ocx Evaluation version run Ok.
I'd like to try with a TeeChart5.ocx (not evaluation) to see if it works.

I will send you the error page.

Best regards
Eduardo Ferruelo

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:33 pm
by 9532336
Hi Josep,

Here there are the error pages, and pages got Ok from local web server Windows2000 and WindowsXP:

ChartTypes.htm/asp example executed against ISP web server


ChartTypes.htm/asp example executed against local web server


ChartTypes.htm/asp example executed against ISP web server thru a PROXY


Simple text page (mentioned in the first post) executed against ISP web server


Simple text page (mentioned in the first post) executed against ISP web server thru a PROXY


Simple text page (mentioned in the first post) executed against LOCAL web server


Eduardo Ferruelo

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:01 pm
by Marc
Hello Eduardo,

If the ISP tests worked successfully with TeeChart AX v5 then most likely the problem using version 7 lies with the setup on the server.

What error message do you get if you make a test file, eg. called 'test.asp', put in the following contents and call the page:

Code: Select all

  Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.7")
  Chart.Header.Text(0)="hello world"
  Response.Write (Chart.Header.Text(0))
If the above fails on the first line then there may be a problem with the way teechart7.ocx is registered on the server.

We can make TeeChart5.ocx available but if the evaluation worked then we should first check if some simple configuration step for version 7 has been overlooked.

Marc Meumann

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:49 pm
by 9532336
Hello Marc,

The error continues:


Running in local web server:


Note: Tech people at ISP registered and desregistered the ocx twice to be sure. I uploaded it twice to be sure it is not corrupted.

Eduardo Ferruelo

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:44 am
by 9532336
Hello Marc,

As I stated in my previous post, the simple test you suggested failed too.


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:40 am
by Marc
Hello Eduardo,

The error message is not the normal error message I would expect if there was a problem running the ocx. Normally it would report a line number for where the error occurred.

..if you change the page to:

Code: Select all

  'Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.7")
  'Chart.Header.Text(0)="hello world"
  Response.Write ("hello world")
I assume it runs ok?

Please could you do a right mouseclick on the teechart7.ocx file installed at your ISP, select properties and tell us what version number it reports and confirm that the description states "TeeChart Pro Activex v7".

The registry has useful information to confirm registration information.
To check that the default TeeChart version registered is v7 you can view the keys:


To check that the file being used is the file you expect to be using see:
The key contains the install folder location.
There is a possibility that the server installed is corrupted in some way. You could re-copy your localserver ocx file to the server to confirm it is using a working version.


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:35 pm
by 9532336
Hello Marc,
The error message is not the normal error message I would expect if there was a problem running the ocx. Normally it would report a line number for where the error occurred.
The server is a production server, so I think that detail error messages are not returned to the client for security reasons, in any case (to debug errors I must do it in my development server).
..if you change the page to:
'Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.7")
'Chart.Header.Text(0)="hello world"
Response.Write ("hello world")
I assume it runs ok?
Yes, i runs ok and returns hello world

Please could you do a right mouseclick on the teechart7.ocx file installed at your ISP, select properties and tell us what version number it reports and confirm that the description states "TeeChart Pro Activex v7".
TeeChart Pro Activex v7 Version:


I've just request ISP tech people the registry values you required.

Eduardo Ferruelo

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:24 pm
by Marc
Hello Eduardo,

Ok, thanks, I see from as previous post you had re-copied the ocx a couple of times to confirm that the version is ok.

Whilst we await the registry information another check to see if there is a different default TeeChart.ocx registered would be to run:

Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
Chart.Header.Text(0)="hello world"
Response.Write ("hello world")

TeeChart.TChart will pickup the version loaded in the registry key "
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TeeChart.TChart\Curver] ".


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:38 pm
by 9532336
Hello Marc,

I'd tried without specific version (CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")) and didn't work.

Eduardo Ferruelo

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:14 pm
by 9532336
Hello Marc,

Response from my ISP:
TeeChart.TChart have value: TeeChart.TChart
Clsid have value: {FAB9B41C-87D6-474D-AB7E-F07D78F2422E}
Curver have value: TeeChart.TChart.7
Eduardo Ferruelo