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DataSource question

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 12:15 am
by 9529779
sqlcommand = "dsn=test;uid=123;pwd=123;sql=select top 24
convert(nchar(5),data_time,6) as data_time from level

test.Series(i).DataSource = sqlcommand
BF1.Series(i).XValues.DateTime = True
BF1.Series(i).XValues.ValueSource = "data_time"

this sql command can't work normally.

but it can be run if i changed this sql command to
dsn=test;uid=123;pwd=123;sql=select top 24 data_time from level

what's the problem?

i can't use the key word " as "

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:56 am
by Marc

If this is Visual Basic then check that the syntax is ok (line closing with "). It's not clear from the post whether the problem might be this syntactical detail.

I don't think the SQL command format will depend on TeeChart in this case. Are you using a syntax ("as") that works in the native SQL environment or via an ODBC client you are using?

Marc Meumann