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Shape bounds are not always available

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:31 pm
by 9525016
I have tried to get the label shape bounds and if I make the label visible and try to get its bounds right away in C++ it shows up as a NULL rect. Is there a way of forcing TChart to update this right away?

Here is the sample code:

Code: Select all

CRect ConvertTeeRect(CTeeRect & teeRect)
	return CRect(teeRect.GetLeft(), teeRect.GetTop(), teeRect.GetRight(), teeRect.GetBottom());

void testFunction()
	CTChart& tchart = *(CTChart*)GetDlgItem(IDC_TCHART1);
	enum { eAllTraces = 10 };
	long AxisIds[eAllTraces];
	long LabelIds[eAllTraces];
	long TraceIds[eAllTraces];
	for (int index = 0
				; index < eAllTraces
				; ++index) {
		// Adding custom axis
		AxisIds[index] = tchart.GetAxis().AddCustom(false);
		CAxis& axis = tchart.GetAxis().GetCustom(AxisIds[index]);

		// Adding Label
		CAxisLabels& labels = axis.GetLabels();
		LabelIds[index] = labels.Add(0.0, "");
		// Setup label properties
		CAxisLabelsItem& label = labels.GetItem(LabelIds[index]);
		CRect rect = ConvertTeeRect(label.GetShapeBounds());

		// Adding series (trace)
		TraceIds[index] = tchart.AddSeries(scLine);
		CSeries& series = tchart.Series(TraceIds[index]);

		// Attach the series to the custom axis

		for (double x = 0; x < 1; x += .01) {
			double y = (((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX) * 0.2 - 0.1;
			series.AddXY(x, y, "", RGB(0xff, 0, 0));
You'll note that the ASSERT(!rect.IsRectNull()); fails.

Thanks for your help,


Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:37 am
by narcis
Hi Adrian,

At this stage labels may still not be drawn so their shapes can't still be defined. You could try using this code in TeeChart's OnAfterDraw event.