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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:39 am
by 6925851
Line 137: Cannot load control Chart1.
Line 144: Property OleObjectBlob in PageNavigator1 could not be set.
Line 144: Cannot load control PageNavigator1.
Line 153: Cannot load control Chart.
Line 160: Property OleObjectBlob in PageNavigator could not be set.
Line 160: Cannot load control PageNavigator.

For the past 2 months i did not have a problem in the chart recently 10 days back i updated the new version tchart 7 after that each time when i tried tobuild the exe it generate the error and when i look the log of the form file, the above lines were shown ...

pls help me in this regard asp.

and one other thing i want to know is . when i save the graph my prescribed font,color titles and when i reload the chart , nothing is coming
is there any option to save entire chart information

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:43 am
by Pep
pls help me in this regard asp.
Have you uninstalled the old version before to install the new maintenance release ? If not, please uninstall all the TeeChart Pro versions and install only the latest one.
Other thinkg you can try to do is to set the version in the line where you are creating the TeeChart components, like :
(it's required when more than one version has been installed on the same system).
and one other thing i want to know is . when i save the graph my prescribed font,color titles and when i reload the chart , nothing is coming
is there any option to save entire chart information
Does this happens exporting the Chart to a .tee file ? It seems to work fine here (just trying to change the font size of the Title).