Bottom axis shows numbers jammed together
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:26 pm
We are upgrading TeeChart in our product from version 6 to version 7 and we ran into an big issue with many of the reports that render charts using the new release.
I have a horizontal bar chart with the following data:
#Text Bar
0 Label1 25
1 Label2 405
The bottom axis jams all the numbers together from 0 to 405 to the point nothing can be read. The bottom axis looks like a black rectangle!
and if I want to export the chart to a GIF format, I get a BLACK chart.
If the axis was a date/time there doesn't seem to be an issue.
I have the Tee file from version 6 which is perfect and I only get this issue when I import it to version 7. So somewhere in version seven, the extra ticks are not being hidden.
I looked around the forum to see if anyone else has recorded this issue and I saw a similar issue here: ... =increment
and the defect number is TV52011014
So I am not sure if this is the same exact problem but it's very similar from the description. The solution provided in that thread is not an option for our company because we have no control over the values of the bottom axis, we cannot dectate the increments based on the value and even if we did the user can change this to any valid value they like and expect the chart ro render correctly. So, I kindly ask you to look into this issue and let us know when this problem can be addressed.
Here is a text version of TeeFile
object TChartChart
Left = 209
Top = 224
Width = 668
Height = 372
AllowPanning = pmNone
BottomWall.Color = 15920361
LeftWall.Color = 9986380
MarginBottom = 5
MarginLeft = 0
MarginRight = 5
MarginTop = 5
Title.Alignment = taLeftJustify
Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Title.Font.Color = clBlack
Title.Font.Height = -13
Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Title.Text.Strings = (
Title.Visible = False
BottomAxis.ExactDateTime = False
BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
BottomAxis.Increment = 1.000000000000000000
BottomAxis.LabelsExponent = True
BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -9
BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Name = 'Verdana'
BottomAxis.LabelsMultiLine = True
BottomAxis.LabelsSeparation = 0
BottomAxis.MinorTickCount = 0
BottomAxis.MinorTickLength = 0
BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
BottomAxis.RoundFirstLabel = False
BottomAxis.Title.Caption = 'Number of Alerts'
BottomAxis.Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
BottomAxis.Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Chart3DPercent = 10
ClipPoints = False
DepthAxis.Automatic = False
DepthAxis.AutomaticMaximum = False
DepthAxis.AutomaticMinimum = False
DepthAxis.Maximum = 0.530000000000000000
DepthAxis.Minimum = -0.470000000000000000
LeftAxis.ExactDateTime = False
LeftAxis.Grid.Visible = False
LeftAxis.Increment = 9.000000000000000000
LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -9
LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Name = 'Verdana'
LeftAxis.MinorTickCount = 0
LeftAxis.Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
LeftAxis.Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
LeftAxis.TitleSize = 40
Legend.Alignment = laBottom
Legend.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Legend.Font.Height = -9
Legend.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Legend.LegendStyle = lsSeries
Legend.PositionUnits = muPercent
Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
Legend.VertMargin = 20
RightAxis.Automatic = False
RightAxis.AutomaticMaximum = False
RightAxis.AutomaticMinimum = False
RightAxis.Grid.Visible = False
RightAxis.LabelsFont.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -9
RightAxis.LabelsFont.Name = 'Verdana'
RightAxis.Title.Caption = 'Response Time'
RightAxis.Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
RightAxis.Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
RightAxis.Visible = False
TopAxis.Visible = False
View3D = False
View3DOptions.HorizOffset = 17
View3DOptions.OrthoAngle = 55
View3DOptions.VertOffset = 3
Zoom.Allow = False
Align = alClient
BevelOuter = bvNone
BevelWidth = 0
Color = clWhite
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
PrintMargins = (
object Series0: THorizBarSeries
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Marks.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 17657
Title = 'High'
BarWidthPercent = 25
Gradient.Direction = gdLeftRight
MultiBar = mbStacked
XValues.Name = 'Bar'
XValues.Order = loNone
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loAscending
Data = {
object Series1: THorizBarSeries
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Marks.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 52479
Title = 'Medium'
BarWidthPercent = 25
Gradient.Direction = gdLeftRight
MultiBar = mbStacked
XValues.Name = 'Bar'
XValues.Order = loNone
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loAscending
Data = {
object Series2: THorizBarSeries
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Marks.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 10092543
Title = 'Low'
BarWidthPercent = 25
Gradient.Direction = gdLeftRight
MultiBar = mbStacked
XValues.Name = 'Bar'
XValues.Order = loNone
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loAscending
Data = {
object TMarksTipTool
MouseDelay = 1000
Style = smsValue
I have a horizontal bar chart with the following data:
#Text Bar
0 Label1 25
1 Label2 405
The bottom axis jams all the numbers together from 0 to 405 to the point nothing can be read. The bottom axis looks like a black rectangle!
and if I want to export the chart to a GIF format, I get a BLACK chart.
If the axis was a date/time there doesn't seem to be an issue.
I have the Tee file from version 6 which is perfect and I only get this issue when I import it to version 7. So somewhere in version seven, the extra ticks are not being hidden.
I looked around the forum to see if anyone else has recorded this issue and I saw a similar issue here: ... =increment
and the defect number is TV52011014
So I am not sure if this is the same exact problem but it's very similar from the description. The solution provided in that thread is not an option for our company because we have no control over the values of the bottom axis, we cannot dectate the increments based on the value and even if we did the user can change this to any valid value they like and expect the chart ro render correctly. So, I kindly ask you to look into this issue and let us know when this problem can be addressed.
Here is a text version of TeeFile
object TChartChart
Left = 209
Top = 224
Width = 668
Height = 372
AllowPanning = pmNone
BottomWall.Color = 15920361
LeftWall.Color = 9986380
MarginBottom = 5
MarginLeft = 0
MarginRight = 5
MarginTop = 5
Title.Alignment = taLeftJustify
Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Title.Font.Color = clBlack
Title.Font.Height = -13
Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Title.Text.Strings = (
Title.Visible = False
BottomAxis.ExactDateTime = False
BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
BottomAxis.Increment = 1.000000000000000000
BottomAxis.LabelsExponent = True
BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -9
BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Name = 'Verdana'
BottomAxis.LabelsMultiLine = True
BottomAxis.LabelsSeparation = 0
BottomAxis.MinorTickCount = 0
BottomAxis.MinorTickLength = 0
BottomAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = False
BottomAxis.RoundFirstLabel = False
BottomAxis.Title.Caption = 'Number of Alerts'
BottomAxis.Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
BottomAxis.Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Chart3DPercent = 10
ClipPoints = False
DepthAxis.Automatic = False
DepthAxis.AutomaticMaximum = False
DepthAxis.AutomaticMinimum = False
DepthAxis.Maximum = 0.530000000000000000
DepthAxis.Minimum = -0.470000000000000000
LeftAxis.ExactDateTime = False
LeftAxis.Grid.Visible = False
LeftAxis.Increment = 9.000000000000000000
LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -9
LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Name = 'Verdana'
LeftAxis.MinorTickCount = 0
LeftAxis.Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
LeftAxis.Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
LeftAxis.TitleSize = 40
Legend.Alignment = laBottom
Legend.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Legend.Font.Height = -9
Legend.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Legend.LegendStyle = lsSeries
Legend.PositionUnits = muPercent
Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 0
Legend.VertMargin = 20
RightAxis.Automatic = False
RightAxis.AutomaticMaximum = False
RightAxis.AutomaticMinimum = False
RightAxis.Grid.Visible = False
RightAxis.LabelsFont.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
RightAxis.LabelsFont.Height = -9
RightAxis.LabelsFont.Name = 'Verdana'
RightAxis.Title.Caption = 'Response Time'
RightAxis.Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
RightAxis.Title.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
RightAxis.Visible = False
TopAxis.Visible = False
View3D = False
View3DOptions.HorizOffset = 17
View3DOptions.OrthoAngle = 55
View3DOptions.VertOffset = 3
Zoom.Allow = False
Align = alClient
BevelOuter = bvNone
BevelWidth = 0
Color = clWhite
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
PrintMargins = (
object Series0: THorizBarSeries
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Marks.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 17657
Title = 'High'
BarWidthPercent = 25
Gradient.Direction = gdLeftRight
MultiBar = mbStacked
XValues.Name = 'Bar'
XValues.Order = loNone
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loAscending
Data = {
object Series1: THorizBarSeries
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Marks.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 52479
Title = 'Medium'
BarWidthPercent = 25
Gradient.Direction = gdLeftRight
MultiBar = mbStacked
XValues.Name = 'Bar'
XValues.Order = loNone
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loAscending
Data = {
object Series2: THorizBarSeries
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Marks.Font.Name = 'Verdana'
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 10092543
Title = 'Low'
BarWidthPercent = 25
Gradient.Direction = gdLeftRight
MultiBar = mbStacked
XValues.Name = 'Bar'
XValues.Order = loNone
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loAscending
Data = {
object TMarksTipTool
MouseDelay = 1000
Style = smsValue