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Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:09 am
by 9523731

i woud like to Link a Chart (with some Series, Custom Axis etc.) as Source to an other Chart - it's possible to transfer all things from .. to ...?

best regards


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:34 am
by Pep
Hi Matthias,

If you want to copy both (data + settings) then the best way is exporting the Chart to native Tee file and then import it from the another Chart.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:09 pm
by 9523731
Hi Josep

ok, that's one way, but SaveToStream an LoadFrom Stream seems to by a better way for me... like this below - how do i use .ClearChart to load an other Stream?

MyStream = Form_OberflaechenWasserChemie.tChart1.Export.asNativeSaveToStream(True)
Report_rptDiagramm.tChartReport.Import.LoadFromStream modOberflaechewasserChemie.MyStream
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDiagramm", acViewPreview

Best regards Matthias