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Out Of Memory Error

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:41 pm
by 9527389

I am using the Version of TeeChart Pro Activex v7. I am getting an error when I am Importing the teeChart in ActiveX using the following code line. Here document.all("TeeChart1") will give me a reference to the Teechart control and I am importing the Teecharg it from the URL available here. It works fine as long as I am exporting it as an Image. But, fails when exporting as ActiveX control. Not sure where thle problem is. This problem started coming in with Version7 of TeeChart. Before this we were using Version5 and it was working fine.

Error Number: -2147418113
Description/Message: : "Out Of Memory"


I searched the web with the error number and found the following link ... AX7005.txt

which says it is fixed in release 7.04. The one I am using is Not sure if it is refering to the same one.

Can someone help me in resolving this problem.

Thanks in Advance,

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:05 am
by Pep
Hi Areef,

it's dificult to know which could be the problem and if it's related with the bug fixed in the v7.04 without reproducing it. Could you please be so kind to send me a simple example with which I can reproduce the problem "as is" here ? You can send me it directly to

Out of Memory Error

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:34 pm
by 9527393
Hello Pep,

Thanks for the reply. I will take back my word that it seems to be fixed in another version. I looked only at the error number. I think tee is using same error number for different errors but with different error message. My error message says OUT OF MEMORY.

I don’t know whether I would be able to provide you a sample for this as it was developed long time back using the prior versions of Tee and now I am only maintaining it in the current releases of our product. I can still try to see if I can come up with a sample. But cannot guarantee.

Further information what I can provide here for you is,
1. I am getting the error when I am importing the Trend as ActiveX.
2. The error is coming at the client side (i.e.… from JavaScript) and not from server side (C#).
3. When the trend is loading initially it comes somewhere at the corner of the screen and then it comes into the center of the screen giving the error message to user.

So, these are some more information I can provide you.

Please let me know how you can help me on this.

Thanks and Regards,

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:51 am
by Pep
Hi Areef,

maybe you can send me the exported .tee file (Trend) you're using to import it later, and also the code you're using to do the import ?

Also, have you tried if the same problem happens using the latest Teechart Pro v7.05 available at the "Private customers download page" ?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:30 am
by 9527389
Hello Pep,

Sorry for the delay. I could at last put up a sample and reproduce the same problem what we have discussed a while back in the following support query.

Please find the attached sample in which we were able to reproduce the problem. Here I am having 2 options, 1. Export as Active-X and 2. Export as Image. It can be toggled by changing the selection of the radio button at the top. We have issue with the Active-X exporting only.

When you export as Active-X, the error it shows as “Range Check Error”. But, when you open the debugger point in the “OMTrendOnLoad” function in WebForm1.aspx you could observe that the error as Out Of Memory is thrown to user.

The version info of the Tee Chart we are using is as follows.

1. Microsoft .net 2003
2. .net Runtime version: v1.1.4322
3. Tee Chart Pro Activex Control v7
4. Interop.TeeChart.dll: Version:

Please let us know how you can help us on this.

Thanks and Regards,

PS: I have attached the sample solution in the zip file. To avoid any filter, I am also attaching another file with .txt extension.

I cannot upload any sample here. So, I have replied to your mail ID you provided a while back with the sample solution.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:30 am
by 9527389
Hello Pep,

Sorry for the delay. I could at last put up a sample and reproduce the same problem what we have discussed a while back in the following support query.

Please find the attached sample in which we were able to reproduce the problem. Here I am having 2 options, 1. Export as Active-X and 2. Export as Image. It can be toggled by changing the selection of the radio button at the top. We have issue with the Active-X exporting only.

When you export as Active-X, the error it shows as “Range Check Error”. But, when you open the debugger point in the “OMTrendOnLoad” function in WebForm1.aspx you could observe that the error as Out Of Memory is thrown to user.

The version info of the Tee Chart we are using is as follows.

1. Microsoft .net 2003
2. .net Runtime version: v1.1.4322
3. Tee Chart Pro Activex Control v7
4. Interop.TeeChart.dll: Version:

Please let us know how you can help us on this.

Thanks and Regards,

PS: I have attached the sample solution in the zip file. To avoid any filter, I am also attaching another file with .txt extension.

I cannot upload any sample here. So, I have replied to your mail ID you provided a while back with the sample solution.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:44 am
by Pep
Hi Areef,

(jus to update the thread, it has been answered directly via mail).

Sorry for delay, I’ve been checking which was the problem. It happens because in the page where the Chart is generated (webForm2.aspx) includes some definitions :
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<meta name="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
<meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" Content="C#">
<meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript">
<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="">
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

which makes to appear in the stream exportation and then cannot load the Chart as well. Removing the above lines works fine here. Could you please test if it works for you ? Just keep the first line :
<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="WebForm2.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="TChartTestWeb.WebForm2" %>
Basically you have to check which is the returned stream by the WebForm2.aspx, it should return just the chart settings, not with other stuff (like in the example, that it returned all the settings of the html page). You could check in your project which is the returned stream, and try to change or remove the lines which cause to return this wrong stream. For example in the example you can check the rerutned stream just openning the page :
