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Permissions issues on IIS?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:55 pm
by 9080518

Our ISP recently installed TeeChart (ActiveX) on our dedicated webserver (HTTPS). To verify the installation, I created a small test-page:

set objChart = Server.CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")

arrStream = objChart.Export.asJPEG.SaveToStream
set objChart = nothing
response.binarywrite arrStream

However, when browsing to this page, the webserver CPU goes nuts - to 100% - and thus requires a restart of the webservice.

I've installed the pack locally without any problems (and the test-page runs ok), the only difference between my local installation and our providers installation is that our provider uses a different account (not 'LocalSystem') to run the service...

Please advice...

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:46 am
by Chris
Hi --

Have you tried running the examples that you can access from:

C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v6 ActiveX Control\Examples\Internet Explorer\ASPHome.htm ?

Could you please tell me if these work OK for you, and if not what kind of error messages you receive.

Best regards,

Christopher Ireland

IIS Problem with CreateObject (ASP)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 12:00 pm
by 9080645
I have similar problem in running the examples (ActiveX6 version). The IIS server hangs without error messages and needs to be restarted.

The CreateObject does not seem to work, and I need it to work (I will use server-side OLEDB connection and TChart graphs).

My own ASP codes hang as well as the example pages hang, too. I have deinstalled and reinstalled, cleaned the registry and nothing works.

Help me with this problem.



Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 4:54 pm
by Chris
Hi Mike,
The CreateObject does not seem to work, and I need it to work (I will use server-side OLEDB connection and TChart graphs).
1) From Start -> Run, execute a line similar to the following:
regsvr32 "C:\MY_DIRECTORY\TeeChart6.ocx"
2) Copy the following code into a file named test.asp and locate it in one of your server's virtual folders:

Code: Select all

<!--METADATA NAME="TeeChart Pro v6 ActiveX Control" TYPE="TypeLib" UUID="{54294AC6-FA71-4C7F-B67C-6C6405DFFD48}"-->
  Set TChart1 = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
  TChart1.Series(0).FillSampleValues 20
  Response.BinaryWrite (TChart1.Export.asPNG.SaveToStream)
This works fine here ... are you still experimenting problems? Could you please specify what kind?

Not working

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:48 am
by 9080645

been there, tried that, but still not working.

I booted my computer freshly and did nothing else, except registered the TeeChart6.ocx component and ran the example code, but still the server hung.

I tried another time by testing my previously made web site (locally), and it worked perfectly, until I tried this code, which again resulted in server being stuck.

There is no error message, the page just won't open and after that, other pages won't open either. Not even stopping and starting the http service works, I must reboot the whole computer.

All client-side (<object> tag) works fine, also in my other laptop, which I use in testing the connection to the server. In the first connection, it downloaded the .cab file and installed the teechart6 component and after that, it has been able to show the charts.

But I need database connection for collecting the data from the server (sql server 2000) and this needs to be made in the server-side.

Could there be some settings wrong in my IIS (haven't found anything, yet)


More info about the problem

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 11:30 am
by 9080645

I've tested other components (ADODB.Connection, Scripting.FileSystemObject) and these work correctly.

I have no VC++, VB or such environment in my machine at the moment, and I cannot test whether I could register my own components correctly. But it seems that the problem lies somewhere in the Teechart object.

I have uninstalled Teechart and cleaned the registry. I also have uninstalled the IIS 5.1 Web server and then reinstalled everything, but still the same problem persists.

The Web pages work correctly as long as I don't use CreateObject method for creating the Teechart object in my ASP pages. After that, the Web server hangs totally, does not respond to any queries, and even stopping and restarting the service won't help. Only thing that helps is to boot the whole PC.


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:38 pm
by Chris
Hi Mike,
The Web pages work correctly as long as I don't use CreateObject method for creating the Teechart object in my ASP pages. After that, the Web server hangs totally, does not respond to any queries, and even stopping and restarting the service won't help. Only thing that helps is to boot the whole PC.
You could try using an alternative technique to create a TeeChart object serverside without using the CreateObject method, e.g.

Code: Select all

<!--METADATA NAME="TeeChart Pro v6 ActiveX Control" TYPE="TypeLib" UUID="{54294AC6-FA71-4C7F-B67C-6C6405DFFD48}"-->
<OBJECT RUNAT=Server ID=TChart1 CLASSID="CLSID:536600D3-70FE-4C50-92FB-640F6BFC49AD"></OBJECT>

  TChart1.Series(0).FillSampleValues 20
  Response.BinaryWrite (TChart1.Export.asPNG.SaveToStream)

Changed OS

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:19 am
by 9080645

I decided to try with the CreateObject method in Windows 2000 Pro, and this works perfectly.

There must be something badly screwed up in my Win XP Pro OS, so now I can use the TeeChart object normally in my other computer.

I think it should also work in XP, I'll try this in near future when I have time to reinstall everything...

Thanks very much for your hints.
