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Problems with TeeChart ActiveX6.0 in Visual Studio .2003

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 6:58 am
by 9638009

I am using the following configuration:
TeeChart Pro ActiveX V6 (V6.0.0.6)
Visual Studio .net 2003 (academic edition)
Windows 2000 SP4, (512MB, Athlon XP 1900+)
(The installation of TeeChart went without any error.)

Now I encounter the following problems:
1) Invoking TeeChart specific help via F1 key does not work
2) The installer did not add a TeeChart Symbol to the dialog editor. I had to add that by hand after the installation.

Now to more serious problems, concerning the building of MFC-applications using Visual Studio .NET (MFC VC++ project)
(I tried to translate error and warning messages from German to English.)

1) I create a dialog based MFC application (ActiveX support enabled)

2) Via the context menu in the dialog editor I insert an ActiveX control (TeeChart Pro ActiveX control V6). Selecting "Edit control" from the context menu of the control makes the control flicker and crashes the IDE.

3) Via the context menu of the control I add a Variable. VS .Net suggests the following:
Type: CTchart1 (tchart1.h and tchart1.cpp)
No Series classes etc. are created

4) The resulting project cannot be compiled. The compiler stops with the following error message:
"Compiler error C2660: CTchart1::CTchart1: function does not accept 1 argument". Here is a snippet from the code:
Ctest3Dlg::Ctest3Dlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(Ctest3Dlg::IDD, pParent)
, m_chart1(0)
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);

Any clues what is wrong here?

Many thanx in advance

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:20 am
by Pep
Hi Andreas,
1) Invoking TeeChart specific help via F1 key does not work
Yes, as default. TeeChart Pro ActiveX is compatible with VS.Net but the Help still not intregrated in the VS.Net IDE.
2) The installer did not add a TeeChart Symbol to the dialog editor. I had to add that by hand after the installation.
Yes, by default, it does not add the components to the ToolBox, you only have to create a new Tab and Add them selecting ActiveX components (COM).
Now to more serious problems, concerning the building of MFC-applications using Visual Studio .NET (MFC VC++ project)
(I tried to translate error and warning messages from German to English.)
I've posted an example (v6) which works fine into the news:// newsgroup . Could you please test if it works fine for you ?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:21 am
by 9638009
Hi Pep,

thans for the attachment. It works fine. I can compile and run it without problems.

However, my problem is how to put a working project together. When I create a variable (instance) of the Tchart control, my class wizard creates only a Thart class (no CSeries, etc.) and it also adds this call to the constructor of the dialog class:
Ctest_TchartDlg::Ctest_TchartDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(Ctest_TchartDlg::IDD, pParent)
, m_chart(0)

which, of coarse, fails. The call m_chart(0) creates a compile error. Any clues what is going wrong here?


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:09 am
by narcis
Hi Andreas,

The problem is with VC++ 7 that doesn't create the classes properly. If you search at google for that you will find many information. If you create your project with VC++ 6 and then open it with VC++ 7 the project will be upgraded and will work fine.

Problems remain...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:54 pm
by 9088021
Dear Narcis,

after some programming abstinence I have to come back to my old problem with the TeeChart AX6 control and VC++7. You wrote me last year (August or so) that the problem is that VC++ 7 does not create the classes correctly. Creating the classes in VC++6 and importing to VC++7 should work well.
Unfortunately I have no access to VC++6. So what can I do to put together a working project with VC++7?

Meanwhile you sent me a VC++7 project that works (Thank you!). But this example uses just a CImport object to display a ready made .tee file. I would like to do more than that. How can I work with the TChart.Series() member function if the classes are not created correctly? (e.g. the return type of this member function is LPDISPATCH and not CSeries).

Thanx a lot in advance,