I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough.
I am unable to get the data from every serie on a certain X position.
As a sample I take the achieved data from the crosshairs.
None of the following methods gives met the Y value of a serie on a certain X position :
I used to work with pointvalue :
For i = 0 To TchartV2.SeriesCount - 1
strAnnotation = strAnnotation + Chr$(13) + left$(TchartV2.Series(i).Name, 3) + ":" + Format$(TchartV2.Series(i).PointValue(nValue), "##.###0")
TchartV2.Tools.Items(TL_ANNOTATE).asAnnotation.text = strAnnotation
Which were fine till a new problem arised.
Not every serie has the same number of points.
We have on a Tchart data with 250 entries, 230, 210 and so on.
Therefore I hoped to retrieve the data from the datagrid where you can clearly notice the Y value on a certain X position.
With the datagrid I mean the data tab inside the charteditor and not the extra datagrid component.
I continue with a sample from the datagrid.
If we take #0 we have X=1
Bar_0 : Y = 17.93
Serie0 : Y = -
Serie1 : Y = -
Serie2 : Y = 17.8
If we take #8 we have X=9 (first point of serie 0)
Bar_0 : Y = 18.08
Serie0 : Y = 17.96
Serie1 : Y = -
Serie2 : Y = 17.57
If we take #25 we have X=26 (first point of serie 1)
Bar_0 : Y = 17.8
Serie0 : Y = 17.82
Serie1 : Y = 17.96
Serie2 : Y = 17.45
Above data is correct and can be seen in the datagrid.
Now, when I use ...pointvalue(1) then I have:
Bar_0 : Y = 17.93
Serie0 : Y = 17.96
Serie1 : Y = 17.96
Serie2 : Y = 17.8
which is not correct on serie0 and serie1 since those series do not start on point 1.
So with which command can we retrieve for example the data on X=26
Bar_0 : Y = 17.8
Serie0 : Y = 17.82
Serie1 : Y = 17.96
Serie2 : Y = 17.45
I hope this helps.