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MarksTip don't show last row and last column in a colorgrid

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:50 pm
by 9525450
If you use the tool MarksTip in a color grid, the label of the last row and the last column are never showed. This is a bug of TeeChart6.ocx, and it is not resolved with the version 7.

Code Sample for vb6 project .exe
Private Sub Form_Load()
With TChart1
.Aspect.View3D = False
.AddSeries scColorGrid
.Tools.Add tcMarksTip
End With
With TChart1.Series(0).asColorGrid
For X = 1 To 100
For Z = 1 To 10
.AddXYZ X, Rnd(10), Z, vbNullString, clTeeColor
End With
End Sub

Can you verify if it is included in the bugs list? I add this code to workaround, but this is not perfect.

.AddXYZ Tchart1.Series(0).XValues.Maximum + 1, 0, 1, "vide", vbWhite
.AddXYZ 1, 0, .ZValues.Maximum + 1, "vide", vbWhite

Thanks for your support
Sophie Morissette

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:54 am
by narcis
Hi Sophie,

Yes, you are right. I haven't found it on our defect list so I've included it to be fixed for future releases. If it was already there better being twice than none.

A way to make your workaround more elegant would be hidding the dummy row setting left axis minimum and maximum values using:

Code: Select all

TChart1.Axis.Left.SetMinMax 1, 11