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Unexpected error

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:47 pm
by 9524558
Dear Support

I face a strange error upon loading a TChart. VB6 sends an "Unexpected error" message upon performing a Form1.Show statement. The chart is nothing special: two line and two point series, left, bottom and right axes all scaled between 0 and 1, each point series has an assigned drag point tool. And VB6 does not like it! :? Where I could put the form for you to run a quick and simple test for me and how do I do it at all?

Tx in advance, best regards


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:58 pm
by narcis
Hi Andras,

please post your example at steema.public.attachments newsgroups available at news:// You can configure in a newsreader with the default port settings.