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Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:40 pm
by 16670909
Hi there, first that all congratulations for the product.

I need to use VB6 and im with the ActiveX 2015 version. I would like to use the DoubleHorizBar but i cant work it out to handle the left side of the graph. I have been searching in the forum and also on google but no luck. Any help its welcome.

He visto que estais en Cataluña, una grata sorpresa, me gusta mucho el producto.

Best regards.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:56 am
by yeray
Hello Alberto,
AlbertoRG wrote:first that all congratulations for the product.
Thanks a lot and welcome to the forums :)
I've visited nacsport and your product looks very interesting!
AlbertoRG wrote:I need to use VB6 and im with the ActiveX 2015 version. I would like to use the DoubleHorizBar but i cant work it out to handle the left side of the graph. I have been searching in the forum and also on google but no luck. Any help its welcome.
The DoubleHorizBar is a quite new series and it's a quite particular one: In short, the right part is a regular HorizBar series and the left part is actually a SubChart with another HorizBar series.

If you add the series at design time, you can see the "Left Chart" tab in the series editor:
2015-04-09_0952.png (17.33 KiB) Viewed 29116 times
So you should work with the main chart and with this subchart to access the left part.

If there's anything more specific you are finding troubles with, don't hesitate to let us know.
AlbertoRG wrote:He visto que estais en Cataluña, una grata sorpresa, me gusta mucho el producto.
Sí, en Girona. Gracias por los halagos. Estamos encantados de teneros por aquí!

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:45 am
by 16670909
Hi Yeray, thanks for the answer. We keep posting in English, i guess for the community understanding.

I was able to reach that point by myself with the editor but i need to do it dynamically , from code and not using the Graphs editor.
We are about to release a new update from our product where end users are able to built dashboards with graphs and so on, so everything is built dynamically.

Where im bit lost is how to handle the left chart from code, any quick sample is very welcome.;)

Thanks for your words about Nacsport, if you want to know more just feel free to ask ¡

PD. Yeray es un nombre Canario, me ha sorprendido mucho la casualidad ¡¡ un abrazo.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:56 pm
by yeray
Hola Alberto,
AlbertoRG wrote:Hi Yeray, thanks for the answer. We keep posting in English, i guess for the community understanding.
We prefer it for the benefit of all the community. Of course if you had problems with it we wouldn't present any objection on discussing in any other language we can understand. :P
AlbertoRG wrote:I was able to reach that point by myself with the editor but i need to do it dynamically , from code and not using the Graphs editor.
We are about to release a new update from our product where end users are able to built dashboards with graphs and so on, so everything is built dynamically.

Where im bit lost is how to handle the left chart from code, any quick sample is very welcome.;)
I've added this to the public tracker:
Note TeeChart ActiveX is a wrapper from TeeChart VCL. This means the editor sometimes gives access to some properties that haven't been wrapped yet to the ActiveX version to be accessed at runtime.
AlbertoRG wrote:PD. Yeray es un nombre Canario, me ha sorprendido mucho la casualidad ¡¡ un abrazo.
Ah, ahora veo que eres de Las Palmas :)
Tengo família de Tenerife pero soy más bien Godo :S
Te devuelvo el abrazo!

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:13 pm
by 16670909
Hi Yeray, thanks again.

I'm not very familiar with the support system but as far as i can understand it means that you add this topic for a future update/improve?

If that's the case, how long can take to have this fix? This type of chart its really important for me due the nature of my end users. I'm sure you have an ongoing workload but a quick fix will be great ¡
Yes, we are base on Gran Canaria, pero nos llevamos bien con los chicharerros y los godos..;)

Best regards.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:52 pm
by yeray
AlbertoRG wrote:I'm not very familiar with the support system but as far as i can understand it means that you add this topic for a future update/improve?
Yes, that's the idea.
AlbertoRG wrote:If that's the case, how long can take to have this fix? This type of chart its really important for me due the nature of my end users. I'm sure you have an ongoing workload but a quick fix will be great ¡
I'm afraid I can't tell you when an issue is going to be closed. The time until we can fix a bug or implement a new feature depends on variables such as the complexity of the problem, impact and the number of issues with even higher priority that claims our team attention.
You can add your mail to the CC list of the ticket to be automatically notified when an update arrives.
AlbertoRG wrote:Yes, we are base on Gran Canaria, pero nos llevamos bien con los chicharerros y los godos..;)

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:14 pm
by 16670909
Hi Again.

Clear, thanks for the info. I will wait for the next update.

Best regards.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:03 pm
by 16670909
Hi Yeray.

I'm wondering if there is any news about this issue, how to handle scDoubleHorizBar from code.

Best regards.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:08 am
by narcis
Hola Alberto,

This has been implemented for the next TeeChart Pro ActiveX maintenance release.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:10 am
by 16670909
Hi Narsìs, thanks for the answer.

Any idea when it will be released?

Best regards.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:54 am
by yeray
Hola Alberto,

I'll send you a mail with a link to a beta version of the ocx (both 32 and 64bits).

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 12:54 pm
by 16670909
Hi Yeray.

Thanks for sending the beta, i have been trying to move on but to be honest i get lost. Just tring

Code: Select all

    .AddSeries scDoubleHorizBar
    .Series(0).Add 1, "test", vbRed
I get an error. Can you please drop me a few sample lines so i can move on by myself?

Thanks, best regards.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 10:36 am
by yeray
Hello Alberto,

I'm sorry, there was another bug affecting the addition of this series type at runtime.
We've fixed it and uploaded the new zip in the same location, so the link we sent you in the last mail now will give you this revised version.

Re: scDoubleHorizBar

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 10:49 am
by 16670909
Hi again, thanks.

Ok, no worries, beta version style..:)

will try again.

Best regards.