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Saving Color for Guage Chart!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:33 am
by 9083345
Hello, I am a v6 user.
The problem occurs when I save a line color for the Guage-type chart and re-open it. Like you can see from fig3, the Axis color is still alive like how I previously set, but the line color disappears.

(fig1. editing colors)
(fig2. option dialog used to set colors like fig1)
(fig3. after I save and reopen it)

I would appreciate it, if you could find the solution to this.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:40 am
by Pep

yes, you're correct, it's a bug, already added on our defect list. In meantima a work around is to set the color at runtime, i.e. :
TChart1.Series(0).Pen.Color = vbBlue

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:37 pm
by 9083345
to shortly explain how we have your module, our product let users to create reports(UI is something like MSWord). For end users who want to insert chart in their reports, we provide teechart. Our software is already on the market and we have customers who already use teecharts for some of reports. Hence, the sooner, the better.

If we take a method of setting the color at run-time, this means we need to provide UI apart from the default option dialog only for the Guage-type, which we think little awkward.
I can imagine that you are surrounded by busy atomosphere. I would greatly appreciate it, if you could tell me the expected date for the patch.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:38 pm
by Pep

the next maintenance release will be ready in a few weeks (two moreorless) but I cannot tell for sure if it will be fixed. But we'll do all the efforts to fix it.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:38 am
by 9083345
Hi again with this problem....
I took some times to find some information about the maintenanaces but it seems little hard for me to find..
Is this included in the maintenance you were talking about?
We have a customer who keep asking about this....

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:17 am
by Pep

the next maintenance release will be ready at the begining of the next week. For the moment this bug has not been fixed for this release, but we'll ty to fix it before it will be out.