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I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:42 am
by 16662706

I develop the application with VS2008 SDI environment.
I got some numeric data(3840bytes) on real time(every 1seconds) and push that in TeeChart Series..(Tower, Bubble and so on..)
I express successfully data patten but performance is trouble.
So.. I exchange chart expression type to OpenGL.

m_tcPRPS[idx].GetAspect().GetOpenGL().SetActive(TRUE); //OpenGL Enable

I type that code in my projecct.
And build process is success, but occer Error window .

Error message is "ActivateContext (D:\Steema\Root\TeeChartVCL\Sources9\VCL\VCLTee.TeeGLCanvas,pas, line1459"

I'm very confusing this message.. because my computer is not detect "D" Driver and I can't find "TeeGLCanvas.pas" file.
So I wonder the solution about this situation.
Finally I'm sorry for my english level is elementary..
I'm waiting for your reply~
Thank you~

Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:41 pm
by 10050769
Hello pine,

These assertions are used for "debug" compilation, and these should not appear. This bug with number [TA05016396] has been already fixed, and a fix will be included into the next maintenance release.

In the case, you need this fix urgently, please let us know and we'll prepare a specific ocx for you.


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:51 am
by 16662706
First of all, Thank you for your reaction.

I hope to get the fixed ocx file as soon as possible. Because, I must check the performance for OpenGL urgently..

If you can accept my request, send the ocx file to my another mail accout please.

Another mail address is ""

I appreciate for your feed-back.

So, I wait for your reply.

Thank you.

Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:12 pm
by 10050769
Hello pine,

Seems your e-mail address isn't correct. Please, can you send me your correct e-mail, because I can send you the new ActiveX 2012 assembly.


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:21 pm
by 16561419
Hello Sandra,

I am experiencing the same/similar problem with the latest VCL Version 2012.07 32Bit and XE2.
When I try to switch a chart to OpenGL mode then (at least on systems with Win7 64bit)
I will always get the error message:

"ActivateContext (....VCLTee.TeeGLCanvas.pas, line 1459)."

Note that I always have the TChart sourcses in the search path for debugging purpose.
Can you please send me the fix for this crash?

best regards,


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:12 am
by 16662706
Hi~ Sandra

Hum... My E-Mail address is in-correct?.. This mail address is correct. I tested many times.

I send to you my another E-mail address.. I can't send to you E-mail message because your E-mail address missed in your Steema profile. (Under the "Contact Sandra" is blank.. -_-)

My another E-mail address is "".

You must separate double quotation marks from my address(""). ex) or

I'm waiting for your ocx file very urgently. Please send to me as soon as possible.


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:51 am
by 10050769
Hello pine,

I have sent again the e-mail to your e-mail address Can you confirm us if you received my e-mail?


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:29 am
by 16662706
Hi~ Sandra! ^^

I received ocx file yesterday but it worked un-normal action.
First of all, OpenGL Chart creation is successful.
But The error window occured when the program terminated.
Error message is "Unhandled exception at 0x7c7e2afb in XXXX.exe : 0x0EEDFADE : 0xeedfade"
I attached the Error Message Window capture image.

And, the another error occured when the program start running.
Error message is "Access violation at address 0cc810C0 in module 'ig4icd32.dll'. Read of address 00000000."
I attached the Error Message Window capture image too.

Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:51 pm
by 10050769
Hello pine,

I can not reproduce your problem using last TeeChartActiveX.ocx I sent you. Could you please, arrange a simple example where the problem appears, because we can reproduce your problem here?


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:19 pm
by 10050769
Hello X-Ray,

Sorry for the delay. Your case is similar as pine,in fact, how TeeChartActivex use TeeChartVCL source code, these are related, but aren't the same. In the case of ActiveX it is a bug, that we have already fixed, but in the case of VCL isn't clear, so, the message only appears when graphic card isn't configure to support OpenGL. We are reviewing it and we give you a conclusion about it asap.
On the other hand, would be very grateful, if you have questions about TeeChartVCL, add these in TeeChartVCL Forums to prevent create confusions with other clients.


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:28 am
by 16662706
Hello Sandra.

I tested many times with your New release ActiveX ocx file and TeeChart2011.v5 ocx file.

I think the cause of this problem is Hardware. My notebook's graphic card driver is not recognized and used inner graphic driver(intel graphic)

But, I checked inner graphic's performance that is support OpenGL all version.

And do testing another way by aspect Software.

I created only one TeeChart object(OpenGL Enabled). Than the program is no error.

But I created many (Over than one) TeeChart object(OpenGL Enabled). Than the program is error like above attached image.

Please review below message, and find the solution.


Re: I can't activate "OpenGL"

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:53 pm
by 10050769
Hello pine,

Thanks for information. But we need reproduce your problem here to try solve it and I can not reproduce it. For this reason, we would be very grateful if you can send as a simple project, because we can reproduce exactly your problem here and try to find a good solution for you.
