SeriesXMLSource Pie chart XML error

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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SeriesXMLSource Pie chart XML error

Post by TonyC » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:24 pm

I have tried to load an xml pie chart from a webservice. Xml is correctly formated and the IE sclient side VBscript throughs an error "Parameter incorrect" at the Load line. Then I have tried to simply make a Pie chart from scratch in the editor and export the xml. Well when SeriesXMLSource ActiveX obect (responsable for loading XML into chart) tries to load the same XML file that it just exported I get the same error as above:
exported XML,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<series color="#cc0000" title="ProdLosses" type="Pie">
<points count="4">
<point text="Planned" Pie="134.14" />
<point text="Unplanned" Pie="1007.59" />
<point text="Unaccounted" Pie="2015.18" />
<point text="Unidentified" Pie="0" />

here is where the error occures

TeeCommander1.Chart = Chart1
TeeCommander1.Controls = Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,11,6,8,9)
With SeriesXMLSource1
.FileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\stepanenkon\Desktop\pie\pie.xml"
.Chart = Chart1
.Load '<-- error occures at this line
'.Active = True
End With

here is the error

TeeChart.SeriesXMLSource.6: The parameter is incorrect

I have successfully been able to load Line type XML schema in this same chart.
I have also tried removing all "<point>" nodes and leaving"<points>" node and
that seemed to load a blank chart with 1 series and no error.

Please let me know if anybody can make sence of this error!

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Post by Christopher » Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:52 pm

Hi --
TeeChart.SeriesXMLSource.6: The parameter is incorrect

I have successfully been able to load Line type XML schema in this same chart.
I have also tried removing all "<point>" nodes and leaving"<points>" node and
that seemed to load a blank chart with 1 series and no error.

Please let me know if anybody can make sence of this error!
I've been able to reproduce this error here and have fixed it for the next
maintenance release, AX6.0.0.6, due out within the next 4-5 working days.
Thank you!

Christopher Ireland (Steema crew)
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