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Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:38 pm
by 9532689

How can I change the Minimum and Maximum value to a custom axes. I tried something but it doesn't work.

Code: Select all

TChart:Series(2):VerticalAxisCustom = TChart:Axis:AddCustom(False).
TChart:Series(2):VerticalAxis = 1.
TChart:Axis:Custom(0):AUTOMATIC = FALSE.

TChart:Axis:Custom(0):MAXIMUM = 50.
TChart:Axis:Custom(0):MINIMUM = 0.
Thank you

Re: Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:15 am
by narcis
Hi Rousseau,

Easiest way is this:

Code: Select all

    TChart1.Axis.Custom(0).SetMinMax 0,50
Alternatively you can do this:

Code: Select all

    With TChart1.Axis.Custom(0)
        .AutomaticMinimum = False
        .Minimum = 0
        .AutomaticMaximum = False
        .Maximum = 50
    End With
For more information please read tutorial 4. Tutorials can be found at TeeChart's program group.

Re: Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:43 pm
by 9532689

There is an example.

Code: Select all

  TChart:Axis:Left:Automatic = FALSE.
  TChart:Axis:Left:Minimum = 0.
  TChart:Axis:Left:Maximum = 50.

  TChart:Series(1):Color = RGB-VALUE(0,255,0).
  TChart:Series(1):AsFastLine:LinePen:Width = 4. 
  DO i = 1 TO 10:
    TChart:Series(0):Add(i * 2,STRING(i * 2),RGB-VALUE(0,0,255)).
    TChart:Series(1):Add(i ,STRING(i ),RGB-VALUE(0,255,0)). 

  TChart:Series(1):VerticalAxisCustom = chCtrlFrame:TChart:Axis:AddCustom(False).
  TChart:Series(1):VerticalAxis = 1.
I don't know why it doesn't set the min and max to my custom axe.

I read the tutorial 4 and tried different way but I wasn't able to set the min max.

Thank you for your help.

Re: Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:57 pm
by narcis
Hi Rousseau,

Have you tried doing it as in the code snippets I posted in my first reply?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 2:52 pm
by 9532689

Yes I have tried with the function SetMinMax and set proprieties Automatic = false, Minnimun=0 Maximun=50. I have tried before and after to add data.

I have noticed that I can't set any proprieties to my custom axes for example title, gridpen style, etc.

Re: Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:06 pm
by narcis
Hi Rousseau,

Sorry, I missed the part of the code at the end of your code snippet. I think the problem is this line:

Code: Select all

  TChart:Series(1):VerticalAxis = 1.
Removing it works fine for me here, for example:

Code: Select all

Private Sub Form_Load()    
    TChart1.Axis.Left.Automatic = False
    TChart1.Axis.Left.Minimum = 0
    TChart1.Axis.Left.Maximum = 50
    TChart1.AddSeries 1
    TChart1.AddSeries 6
    TChart1.Series(1).Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
    TChart1.Series(1).asFastLine.LinePen.Width = 4
    For i = 1 To 10#
      TChart1.Series(0).Add i * 2, CStr(i * 2), RGB(0, 0, 255)
      TChart1.Series(1).Add i, CStr(i), RGB(0, 255, 0)

    TChart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = TChart1.Axis.AddCustom(False)
    TChart1.Axis.Custom(0).SetMinMax 0, 50
    With TChart1.Axis.Custom(0)
        .AxisPen.Color = vbGreen
        .Title.Caption = "Extra axis"
        .Title.Font.Bold = True
        .Title.Angle = 90
        .PositionPercent = 50 'percentage of Chart rectangle
    End With
End Sub

Re: Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:31 pm
by 9532689

Sorry, I thought that I could use this properties to set my custom axe at right exactly like the left axis.

Thank you

Re: Minimum Maximum, Custom Axes

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:36 pm
by 9532689
I used the property OtherSide.

Code: Select all

    TChart1.Series(1).VerticalAxisCustom = TChart1.Axis.AddCustom(False)
    TChart1.Axis.Custom(0).SetMinMax 0, 50
    With TChart1.Axis.Custom(0)
        .OtherSide = True
        .AxisPen.Color = vbGreen
        .Title.Caption = "Extra axis"
        .Title.Font.Bold = True
        .Title.Angle = 90
        '.PositionPercent = 50 'Don't need to use this property if you use otherside
    End With
It's perfect. Thank you