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Exception calling GetAsGauge().GetXRadius()

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:41 pm
by 15053905

When working with Gauge series I have the following line:
long lXradius = m_Chart.Series(0).GetAsGauge().GetXRadius();

I can't get a value for lXradius.

Using debugger, stepping over this call, I get an excedption in: file oledisp1.cpp,
in function: CCmdTarget::CallMemberFunc(const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY* pEntry, WORD wFlags,
VARIANT* pvarResult, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, UINT* puArgErr).

When I don't use the above line, my application using the same Gauge series works just fine.
What can be the problem?


Re: Exception calling GetAsGauge().GetXRadius()

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:18 am
by yeray
Hi yvb,

I've added it to the defect list to be fixed in future releases (TA05014693).

Thanks for reporting it.