I am trying to plot a barchart in color, but I can't get main part of the bar-chart to plot in color. I can get the border to change colors, but not the main box of color.
I've tried every combination in the TeeChart editing dialog box Series->Series0->Format tab->Format tab to try to get any other color than black on the bar graph but no luck.
I also tried setting the color parameters during runtime but that didn't work either.
I use a very simple code on this test
Code: Select all
void CTeeChartTestDlg::OnBnClickedOk()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
unsigned int i, I = 20;
for(i=0; i<I; i++) {
m_Chart1.Series(0).AddXY(i,i, L"", 0);
m_Chart1.Series(1).AddXY(i, I-i, L"", 0);
The border on series0 is not set (i.e. no boarder on series0) but you can see that the border comes out correctly on series1.
btw: For line-graphs I can get the colors to come out fine, just not bar charts.
Compiler: Visual Studio C++ 2008
TeeChart: TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX