Occasionally, with a TeeChart ActiveX control embedded in a web page, the control will start displaying an annoying message box that says, "Error Creating Device Context". This occurs when mousing over a data point, data bar, etc. wherever an infotip would normally be displayed, but it does not always occur, and I am not sure how to reproduce the problem. Once this starts occurring, though, it will continue to occur even if I refresh the page or navigate to another page with the TeeChart control.
I am using TeeChart ActiveX Version, Internet Explorer 6.0, and Windows NT 4.0 SP5.
Please review the code that displays the infotips, and please make sure that this error is handled.
Thank you.
BUG: Tooltips in IE Cause "Error Creating Device Contex
Thank you for reporting this issue. It can't be reproduced in a simple test here but it's been logged for a closer look.
Josep Lluis Jorge
Josep Lluis Jorge