So, there's no way of having a constant bubble radius, independent of the chart scale?However, the chart is scaled according to X and Y values. So when the bubbles are drawn, if they have very small radius compared to the axes scales they won't be seen.
That seems like an odd decision. What is the reasoning for that?
Some more questions about radius:
What is the relationship between the radius value and the chart scale? IOW, if the scale in one chart is 1 to 50, with a radius of 75, what would I need the radius to be in a second chart that has a scale of 1 to 100 to have the same visible radius?
How is the chart scale used to adjust the bubble radius? If the Y scale is 0.1 to 1.0 and the X scale is 0 to $1,000,000, how does the radius get determined? If X scale changes, but Y stays constant, does the radius change?
Can you please provide a clear explanation of the radius value and its relationship to the scales?