our company is using TeeChart7 ActiveX...
OS : windows 2000 server korean
if you look below web page
you will see that LEGEND Part language is displayed Properly in korean.
But the language display around PIE is garbage and unreadable
I think that this is charset problem Maybe.
Can any one explain this problem ?? or Suggest good Solution ?
Much appreciated if this problem is solved.
I have tried the New version - OCX miltilanguage but the result is same.
charset display problem ... very urgent ..
does this happens with the MultiLanguage "unicode" version ?
does this happens with the MultiLanguage "unicode" version ?
Pep Jorge
charset display problem ...
I have tried all ..
1. Full version
2. Unicode OCX
3. Multilanguage
4. Multilanguage Unicode
But Unicode Version doesn't display.
they displayed 'U#EBAB6002' .. that is they display unicode directly
without transforming them proper national character..
1. Full version
2. Unicode OCX
3. Multilanguage
4. Multilanguage Unicode
But Unicode Version doesn't display.
they displayed 'U#EBAB6002' .. that is they display unicode directly
without transforming them proper national character..
could you please show me the code you are using into the asp page to generate the Chart (specially the part of code where settings for Marks style and legend text style are assigned to) in order to reproduce the problem here ?
could you please show me the code you are using into the asp page to generate the Chart (specially the part of code where settings for Marks style and legend text style are assigned to) in order to reproduce the problem here ?
Pep Jorge
here is source code in ASP
tot_re = 1
tot_fa = 2
tot_insu = 3
tot_etc = 95
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_re)
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_fa)
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_insu)
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_etc)
if tot_tot <= 0 Then
tot_tot = 1
End IF
tot_re = CInt(round((tot_re / tot_tot),2) * 100)
tot_fa = CInt(round((tot_fa / tot_tot),2) * 100)
tot_insu = CInt(round((tot_insu / tot_tot),2) * 100)
tot_etc = CInt(round((tot_etc / tot_tot),2) * 100)
Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
Chart.Width = 500
Chart.Height = 400
Chart.Header.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Legend.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Canvas.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Legend.Visible = True '색상별표시 안나오게함
Chart.Frame.visible = False
a = "부동산자산 " & tot_re &"%"
b = "금융자산 "& tot_fa &"%"
c = "보험자산 "& tot_insu &"%"
d = "기타자산 "& tot_etc &"%"
Chart.Series(0).asPie.AutoMarkPosition = True
chart.Axis.Visible = True
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Top.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Right.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Left.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Left.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Top.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_re, a , RGB(176,186,236)
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_fa, b, RGB(137,207,241)
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_insu, c, RGB(145,222,229)
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_etc, d, RGB(180,222,204)
Chart.Header.Text(0) = " 바보야 이런것도 잘 안돼니 "
Chart.Panel.Color = RGB(255,255,255)
Chart.Panel.Border.Visible = False
Chart.Panel.BorderStyle = bsNone
Set Chart=nothing
Response.Binarywrite OutputStream
tot_fa = 2
tot_insu = 3
tot_etc = 95
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_re)
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_fa)
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_insu)
tot_tot = tot_tot + cdbl(tot_etc)
if tot_tot <= 0 Then
tot_tot = 1
End IF
tot_re = CInt(round((tot_re / tot_tot),2) * 100)
tot_fa = CInt(round((tot_fa / tot_tot),2) * 100)
tot_insu = CInt(round((tot_insu / tot_tot),2) * 100)
tot_etc = CInt(round((tot_etc / tot_tot),2) * 100)
Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
Chart.Width = 500
Chart.Height = 400
Chart.Header.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Legend.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Canvas.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Legend.Visible = True '색상별표시 안나오게함
Chart.Frame.visible = False
a = "부동산자산 " & tot_re &"%"
b = "금융자산 "& tot_fa &"%"
c = "보험자산 "& tot_insu &"%"
d = "기타자산 "& tot_etc &"%"
Chart.Series(0).asPie.AutoMarkPosition = True
chart.Axis.Visible = True
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Top.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Right.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Left.Title.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Left.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Top.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Charset = 129
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_re, a , RGB(176,186,236)
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_fa, b, RGB(137,207,241)
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_insu, c, RGB(145,222,229)
Chart.Series(0).Add tot_etc, d, RGB(180,222,204)
Chart.Header.Text(0) = " 바보야 이런것도 잘 안돼니 "
Chart.Panel.Color = RGB(255,255,255)
Chart.Panel.Border.Visible = False
Chart.Panel.BorderStyle = bsNone
Set Chart=nothing
Response.Binarywrite OutputStream
to be able to show the unicode characters on this way you should code the labels, using the following code to add the data to the series should work fine :
to be able to show the unicode characters on this way you should code the labels, using the following code to add the data to the series should work fine :
Code: Select all
TChart1.Series(0).Add Value, TChart1.Environment.CodeUTF8String("부동산자산 " & tot_re &"%"), clTeeColor
Pep Jorge